A Couple Of Geeks Do NERDS

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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No, dude, really – they are FJRs.

Actually I think I was looking at the bracket they used to mount the highway pegs. :p

There was a fairly decent breeze this day, and the sailboats were taking advantage of it.



Despite the breeze, the lake was not too terribly rough.


Some folks stayed in their cars, others went upstairs where there’s a sitting area (and, of course, trash ‘n trinkets for sale), others kinda wandered around.


We wandered about a bit and I took the opportunity to punch our destination address into the GPS.


Always interesting when the GPS shows the bike in the middle of a lake.


We spent some time swapping motorcycle trip stories with the other folks on bikes. The couple on the his-and-hers Deluxes were from upstate-NY and were heading home from a week-long tour around New England. The couple that were 2-up on the fully loaded bagger (it was a 1988 Electra Glide with something like 150,000 miles on the clock – they weren’t really sure because the speedometer didn’t work at one point for maybe 20,000 miles) were from Pennsylvania and were meandering home after a 2-week tour. They were all super nice folks and it was nice chatting with them and swapping stories that only can be swapped when you ride and they do, too.


Patiently waiting to get to shore.


More sailboats out and about this fine day.


Yours truly.


This day was not sucking. Nope. Definitely not.


After an hour or so, we approached the shore on the New York side of Lake Champlain.


We got ready to roll. Note the fella up there with the pony tail – he was on the ’88 ‘Glide. He was kind of quiet (his wife made up for it, though – trust me) but he reminded me a bit of the character Opie from Sons Of Anarchy. I’ll tell you what – those two have ridden that bike ALL over the continent, including Alaska! Interesting people. Only on the road…


In the picture above, you also see the wife of the husband and wife team. Her license plate read, “KERMIT” and her Deluxe was a very vibrant green. We had commented to her that we liked the license plate. She told us that her grandson, who is autistic, upon seeing the bike for the first time said, “Kermit!” Hence, the license plate. I thought that was supremely cool. Only on the road…

Back on land, we rolled out and headed up the road.



The welcome sign.


When we were here last year, I remember seeing this spot and saying to myself, “SELF! Next time we’re in this area we should stop here. It looks cool.”

So, guess what I said to myself this time around?

“SELF! You’re an idiot – you forgot that you wanted to stop here because it looks cool.”

Did we stop?

Of course not. ‘Cause I’m an idiot.


The Adirondacks. Sometime I wanna come here and spend a week exploring via 2-wheels.


There’s just something about this region that appeals to me. Maybe it’s because it reminds me of the spot in northern Michigan where my family has been vacationing for decades. I dunno, but it appeals to me.


It was just a little bit on the warm side as far as the temperature was concerned, but it was a gorgeous day.


Looking at the ETA on the GPS, we were going to be rolling in a bit later than we liked, so after having wasted an hour+ waiting for the ferry, and having wasted more time waiting for the fog to burn off, we just slabbed it towards RAH-chest-ah.


The GPS decided we should go through Saratoga Springs, NY. Traffic sucked the big one, but going through the town reminded me that they have some tradition around here. Has to do with horses.


Once through Saratoga Springs … well … there really isn’t much to tell. We hopped on the New York Thruway which is one of the more yawn-inducing stretches of slab known to mankind.


We rolled into our hosts’ driveway (she’s an old friend of Sooze’s family; well, not that I’m calling her OLD or anything, but she’s been friends with Sooze’s family for a long time … you get the idea). We went out for some pizza and plopped ourselves in bed fairly early. NERDS kinda took a lot of energy from us geeks!

And that wraps up August 20, 2011.

All that’s left now is to get back home.

August 21, 2011.

The final push home.

Our host has critters. Critters that are familiar to us. And they were pretty entertaining.

Forget this one’s name.


This one, too, but he was a dang MULE of a cat! He was, ah, “big boned.”


But they let us sleep in their room, which was nice of them.


They were making us ready to be home and back with our weirdo cats.

Not many more pictures today. When I pulled the bike outta the garage, it was just starting to rain. Not heavy, but just enough to piss you off, ya know?

Remember wayyyy back at the beginning of this RR, when we stopped in Buffalo for the nephew’s graduation / going-away-to-college party? The college he is going to is right in RAH-chest-ah. But since the weather was sucking, we decided to just hit the road rather than stopping in.

So hit the road we did.

It rained. Our gear is waterproof, but still…


We saw some NASTY-wicked lightning. You know – the type where you say, “WHOA! Holy crap!!”

As long as we were moving, we were OK. Of course, rolling into Pennsylvania – meaning we had to pay the great state of New York for the privilege of riding on the Thruway, and the traffic was backed up because I guess people are IDIOTS when it comes to paying the toll while on a toll road – the skies opened up. It f’n DUMPED rain. And the winds kicked up. I mean the winds REALLY kicked up.

Now, if you’ve never been through a toll booth in the wet, let me tell you BE CAREFUL. The spot right where you stop is COVERED in oil droppings, and when it’s wet it can be treacherous. So just be careful, mm-kay?

While waiting to pay our ransom to get outta New York, of course, my damn helmet visor got water on the inside and started fogging up. Greaaaaat…

After getting into Pennsylvania, there was a welcome center / rest area. I decided this would be a fine time to pull off and let this rain move through.

“Riding the storm ouuuuuuut…..”


After 20 or 30 minutes (and a quick wardrobe change for Sooze since her shirt had gotten wet), the skies cleared and we headed for the homestead.

The rest of the ride home was uneventful. You’ve already seen pictures of this stretch, so let’s just say we made it home safe and sound, and were greeted by a couple of our own critters.

Crazy Skully. She’s like the smart raptor from “Jurassic Park” – she figures things out.


And Ferrous The Iron Cat.


2,575 miles this trip. NERDS was an absolute blast for these 2 geeks.

Mega thanks to the NERDS organizers Fred (not Ed) and Ed (not Fred) and all the other folks who contributed to make NERDS a resounding success.

And to my buddy Bust – I gave ya a lot of crap in this thread, but you know it’s only because … yer a doofus.

Time to put this one to bed because – in less than 48 hours, we’re gonna be on the road again! This time to Cumberland Falls State Park in southern Kentucky for EOM ’11, and then to points beyond… Stay tuned for another action-packed, thrilling ride report!
