a letter from the wife of TRINIBOB to all of you

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2005
Reaction score
Midland, MI
well all my wife now knows why i want to take off for all parts of the country curvey.

she also has a better understanding why i want to spend most of my spare time here on this board talking to all of you sooo with out further adue my wife.

I just got home from taking a Motorcycle Safety Course for my cycle endorsement.

My husband (TRINIBOB) asked that I write about my experience hoping to inform the non-experienced or novice riders.

My husband had bought his motorcycle almost 3 years ago. For more than one reason, I was less that excited. The biggest reason for my apprehension was my lack of knowledge about motorcycles. I was fearful of them and I was afraid for my husband.

Since taking this class, (my husband took the class with me just for fun and support) my viewpoint has changed dramatically! I found riding a motorcycle very enjoyable. I actually wanted to be done with the class just so I could go for a ride (even thought I do not have a bike (yet). I learned that as long as the bike is moving, it would not just fall over (that was a huge fear of mine). I found that as long as you relax, riding a bike if fairly easy. The biggest thing that they try and drill into to you is “look where you want to go” and guess what?? It worked. The most fun part that I enjoyed was the weaving exercises. Once you get the “push/lean” down, those weave exercises were the best!! I definitely have a better understanding how motorcycles work, and I also learned that they are not necessarily as dangerous as I had originally thought. With any kind of vehicle, car, motorcycle etc, you still need to use common sense and caution.

I strongly recommend that anyone that has not ridden a motorcycle before, even if they do not want to ride one of their own, they should take this class!! Even if you only want to do is be a rider, you will learn more things that are more helpful than you think.


C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S, Mrs. Trinibob! Welcome to the fold. Of course, once bitten, you're hooked for good. Me thinks that soon mr TriniBob will be changing oil filters on two bikes!! :D

Congrats on completing your course. I took mine in Bham, AL this weekend and it was the best thing I could have ever done!

Way Cool !! :clapping:

Mrs. Trinibob, you did it right - getting the MSF class done !!

So - have you and the Mr. discussed ... ahem .... YOUR wheels? Hmmmm...?

Awesome... congratulations!

(does this mean we need a version of :trinibob: with long hair and lipstick?)

Welcome to motorcycling Mrs. Trinibob.

As it was said in an earlier post, once bitten, addicted for life.

That has been the situation for me.

There has not been a day in my life since April 1978 without a street bike and I am still around to talk about it and I am hopeful for many more days in the future.

Welcome to the club.

Life is good. :D

Maybe I can get my husband to take the course. Even if it just helps him relax more when we're 2 up. I would have passed him my 89 FJ1200 when I got my new FJR had be into riding. Perhaps that course will give him a new outlook on the sport of riding.

Trinni, Here is your big chance,Give her your bike and get a new 06.

Just joking hope you get a bike suited for you to learn on and have fun.

.....out further adue my wife......The biggest reason for my apprehension was my lack of knowledge about motorcycles. I was fearful of them and I was afraid for my husband.Since taking this class, (my husband took the class with me just for fun and support) my viewpoint has changed dramatically! ....
nice. congrats! let's go ahead and get this out of the way:

nighthawk up to about the 450

rebel 250 or 450

sportster 883


virago 450(?)

any dualsport pretty much, KLR650, DR650

Buell Blast

BMW F650


get a good helmet and try not to pass yer husband too much, it hurts our feelings even though we won't say so.


Maybe I can get my husband to take the course. Even if it just helps him relax more when we're 2 up. I would have passed him my 89 FJ1200 when I got my new FJR had be into riding. Perhaps that course will give him a new outlook on the sport of riding.
Now thats different. First woman I've seen that rode when hubby didn't. His loss....... ;) And congrats to Mrs Tire Guy. Hopefully see both of you at CFO. On that note, I guess I lost a roomie....... :D

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Congrats and welcome to the community. My wife did the course 2 years ago and she had her own Honda 750 Aero 3 weeks later. :clapping:

Everyone is so nice here aren't they? :)


P.S. you guys aren't going to be "sharing" accounts together are you?

One more congrats to send along.

My wife took the course 4 years ago and she's never looked back. The best part is that most of the courses in my neck of the woods are now about 50/50 split men and women. Lot's of gals it seems are tired of riding 'BOB' and want their own scoot..... Makes the bike nights more interesting for everyone.

Now the fun part .... Bike shopping !!!

For info ... The FZ6 makes a nice stablemate to the Feejr


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