A lot of First's this week - A crash on the freeway

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Their Sunset / My Sunrise
Aug 15, 2009
Reaction score
Houston, Tx
So, a lot of first this week past.

1. First time meeting a FJR Forum member - 101pathfinder (Tony & Wife)

2. First time being a witness for a IBA ride.

3. Ordered my first battery replacement from Bike Effects.

4. First time helping mom buy a house in Conroe, Tx.

5. First time crashing my motorcycle.

Tuesday after leaving Home builder in Conroe, spending 4hrs, sitting talking and waiting to get a contract on my mom's new house. We finally reach

a stopping point and everyone goes on their way. Me on my Remington(04FJR) headed toward Houston I45 South.

Passing the 2920 exit and deciding that I need to make a stop to pick up something on my way back to work.

Well, traffic was moving good, not too fast. As I was in the 3rd lane from inside, and getting over to exit lane.

I check my rear, take look to the right to switch lanes's, and when I look back; Traffic at a dead stop.

I grab some break, there is a large delivery truck right in front, a vehicle in the right shoulder lane and oncoming traffic in the immediate left.

Brakes grabbing, next thing I know I am sideways, avoiding hitting the delivery truck, sliding on the ground. Me thinking, I am going down, I am not ramming that truck.

Things happen fast and fuzzy.

Me sliding past the rear wheels, then hitting the rear wheel of the truck as they just began to move again.

Making sure I turn my body on the back as much as I could.

While sliding I am thinking, when am I going to stop?, because I have to get up, before oncoming traffic hits me.

Finally, I stop sliding Do a check, truck keeps going....I immediately check to see that I still have shoes on, and can feel everything.

First mind; get up...get up...don't get ran over.....So I get up to my feet.

Take a look, all extremities are in tact, pants torn a bit on left knee...Me thinking, hey this wasn't too bad..jacket torn, helmet still on, just a scrape on the knee.

I look at bike, to see if I could pick it up or move it...thinking, I am not in bad shape for a crash at 55mph...Handle bars broke, exhaust broke, well bike is in several pieces.

Saddlebags, off, tank bag off...

Well, I proceed to gather saddle bags, and other items and put near the bike, which came to rest in the shoulder lane of the freeway.

The guys in the delivery truck stop and all run back to me...to check on me. 1 minute later there is a fire truck, lights on blocking freeway traffic for the right lane.

Turns out the fire truck was on a training run, of course they ask me if I am okay, I said..I am fine, just a scrapped knee. I don't feel any pains and nothing seems to be broken.

The Fireman, says it's your adrenaline that's really high right now, you need to sit down and rest.

Well, I get my phone and call my wife, to come pick me up and take me to hospital....WELL

after about 5 minutes, there is some swelling in my left ankle, and now I cannot put any pressure on it. So I sit on freeway side beam off of shoulder as he proceeds

to cut my pant leg. Ankle definitely has issues, because it is swollen now.

Everyone proceeds to tell me it's a good thing I was wearing my gear. Guys in truck proceed to tell me that, in front of them there was a car that

cut across 3 lanes to exit, which caused a truck pulling a flat trailer to lock up and swerve onto the shoulder to miss another car, and then they just missed the car in front, by

locking up on their brakes..which because I was lane changing and accelerating; when I looked back everything was stopped, and all my escape routes were blocked.

Well, ambulance came, and I went to hospital 3 minutes away. Turns out have a broken ankle, scrape on left knee, nickel size scrapes on both elbows, and a bruised shoulder.

Now, for some reason, I did not want to tell none of the nurses that I had a motorcycle accident. I did not want to be bothered with all the MC Crash chatter.

Is that strange?

Well, I had the emt's put both saddle bags, tank bag, zumo, and gear in the ambulance with me. Amazingly they were really cool about it, because they said, if you let those wrecker guys get

your stuff, you may not see it again....okay then. Come to think of it, when they arrived and we were about to leave, I asked had anyone seen my gps, and the cluster of wrecker drivers

had it, holding it up looking at it...hmmmm.

Well gear did good, my bad part was not putting on my riding boots today. Wasn't planning on taking bike today because of battery issue, bike not starting, however I was walking by, put the key

in the ignition just to see, and it fired up. Well, gotta ride, so I packed up stuff in tank bag, and hopped on, just did not put on boots. Hence; broken ankle bone.

Well, seen ortho guy today and he want's to do a little surgery for complete repair.

Insurance company says they will appraise or send an adjuster after the bike by this Friday. So don't know if I am gonna get a repair or another FJR.

Here are some pics I took while I had some adrenaline pumping high.







Bike damage is:

Nose torn off

Tail light section torn off

Exhaust ripped off

Windshield popped off

foot pegs popped off.

Handle bars snapped broken.

WOW!, I am glad to read that you were spared with just the injuries sustained. Bike looks like a total. Get well soon and get a new FJR. dr

Well, RemingtonRider, that well and truly SUCKS!

Very glad that your injuries weren't worse. The bike sounds like a total, but getting out with only a broken ankle sounds like you pretty well dodged the bullet on this episode... How fortunate that the fire guys just happened along at the right time. It doesn't get any better than that

Sounds like you got sucked-in to a classic danger zone by having your forward vision obscured by the delivery truck immediately in front of you... Not going to preach on that one, 'cause we've all been in that predicament more than once. The dynamics on a freeway can change so damn fast that it's amazing. :eek:

Looking forward to hearing that your insurance company is treating you right... keep us posted, 'k?


Holy crap dude!

I can relate to the Traffic in Houston... <_< Those people are CRAZY down there.

God Speed on the healing process.


Damn! Glad you can hop away from it though! The boots may have reduced the chance for breaking the ankle, but you never know. The bike's replaceable, but you're not...get well! Hopefully, the insurance company does a good job!

Holy crapola! Glad you're OK.

I'm curious, though - your bike has (or had) ABS. Wonder what caused the bike to go down...

Holy crapola! Glad you're OK.

I'm curious, though - your bike has (or had) ABS. Wonder what caused the bike to go down...
I think it's a NON-ABS model... Maybe he picked the wrong model when designating the one he owns... I know that i wish i bought the ABS model instead of being a cheapass.

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That adrenaline is some amazing stuff! Good to hear you "almost" walked away.

My guess is it's time to start getting your insurance list together, and start shopping for a new bike,

I hope your ankle surgery is only minor repairs!

What's F R 1300? :p

Thanks..very glad to have walked away.

Holy crapola! Glad you're OK.

I'm curious, though - your bike has (or had) ABS. Wonder what caused the bike to go down...
2004 w/ABS... just not enough room for any brake to work..escape route's cut off/blocked.

That adrenaline is some amazing stuff! Good to hear you "almost" walked away.

My guess is it's time to start getting your insurance list together, and start shopping for a new bike,

I hope your ankle surgery is only minor repairs!

What's F R 1300? :p
Well, it was FJR 1300..The 'J' didn't survive the skid.

Any story that ends-up with you coming in contact with a truck tire could have turned out much much worse. Sorry to hear it but I'm very happy you came out of it reasonably unscathed. Adrenaline or not, my jeans would probably have been pretty mushy as I gathered my things.

Get better!

Bummer...but it could always be worse...just get well and remember to keep your 360 deg radar going at all times on the road. :)

I think I recognize that jacket. Think I crossed paths with you a couple of months ago while enroute to Houston and the hill country.

Heal quick and well. Been there and I am still wearing the t-shirt.

Good thoughts for you and your family.

Sorry to hear of your crash, it brings back painfull memories of mine 2 years ago. Get better soon and keep us posted on your new bike.

Thanks..very glad to have walked away.

Holy crapola! Glad you're OK.

I'm curious, though - your bike has (or had) ABS. Wonder what caused the bike to go down...
2004 w/ABS... just not enough room for any brake to work..escape route's cut off/blocked.

That adrenaline is some amazing stuff! Good to hear you "almost" walked away.

My guess is it's time to start getting your insurance list together, and start shopping for a new bike,

I hope your ankle surgery is only minor repairs!

What's F R 1300? :p
Well, it was FJR 1300..The 'J' didn't survive the skid.
Ya, I know... Just trying to find a way to lighten up an otherwise shitty situation.
