A lot of First's this week - A crash on the freeway

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its the seat beads that caused the crash....lol.glad you pulled thru fairly well.bike may not do so well.time for a black one,they are the fastest you know.

Glad you were able to walk away, so to speak anyway...Get well quick and begin the hunt for a replacement FJR!


Well gear did good, my bad part was not putting on my riding boots today. ...so I packed up stuff in tank bag, and hopped on, just did not put on boots. Hence; broken ankle bone.
Always sorry to hear about a crash. Wishing you a speedy and successful recovery.

Just an FYI / Reminder about ATGATT.... A couple of years ago, I had a patient who decided to surprise his bride by showing up at the church, with his groomsmen, on motorcycles. There were 5 of them. They met a car on a slight curve; the driver's attention was on his misbehaving kid, he drifted across the centre line and all 5 of them were struck. The groom was lead rider and although he had on leather gear, he was wearing shoes instead of boots.....

One foot was so badly injured (and that was his only injury), repair surgery couldn't save it and he ended up with a below-the-knee amputation. Just sayin' .....

ps - he's doing fine and he & his fiancee did, finally, get married.

I know how you are feeling. I am sorry for your injury and thankful like the others here that it wasn't worse. I lived in Houston for many years and did not enjoy the freeways.

Looks like a new bike for you when you heal up.

FJR RR, first, glad you made it out for the better. And I do hate freeway riding especially in heavy traffic. Really sounds like the abs didn't kick in. If it's not working I'm pretty sure the bike will brake in standard mode. Anyway, main thing is your still mobile and good thoughts and prayers to you. Take care and ride like your invisable and they're trying to kill you, Painman. <>< :unsure:

Wow, don't know how I missed this post yesterday. Ditto on being glad you are comparatively ok!!!

On your bike, since it's a 2004 I'm pretty sure they'll total it for you. So did you actually get your GPS or not?

Best wishes on a speedy recovery!

So, a lot of first this week past.

1. First time meeting a FJR Forum member - 101pathfinder (Tony & Wife)

2. First time being a witness for a IBA ride.

3. Ordered my first battery replacement from Bike Effects.

4. First time helping mom buy a house in Conroe, Tx.

5. First time crashing my motorcycle.

Bike damage is:

Nose torn off

Tail light section torn off

Exhaust ripped off

Windshield popped off

foot pegs popped off.

Handle bars snapped broken.
Glad you are here to tell the story. Now you get to say you are in the category of those other guys that you read about. Hope the ankle heals fast and with as little trama as possible.


Thanks..very glad to have walked away.

Holy crapola! Glad you're OK.

I'm curious, though - your bike has (or had) ABS. Wonder what caused the bike to go down...
2004 w/ABS... just not enough room for any brake to work..escape route's cut off/blocked.

ABS works fine usually , but you have to be going perfectly straight. Kinda sounds to me like you might have had the bars cocked abit as your brain was looking for that escape route. Most falls in a "panic" situation are do to breaking too hard while the bike is turning...

Again I was not there but it is pretty hard to remember exactly everything you did in just a fraction or so of a second.

Do hope you heal fast and the bike gets re-newed someway or another.


Yes, did get the gps back...beat up pretty bad though...wonder if insurance will cover it???hmm


As I lay helpless on the couch and all were at school and work.

Son arrived home, brought in envelope, looks like the insurance company is going to total the bike according to them wanting the title, keys and all.

Some company named Audatex is going to determine fair market value for Remington.

Now I need to contact the insurance lady who is the claims adjuster and let her know about all the other stuff on the bike as well as the side bags.

She has yet to talk to me, I think she has spoken to the wife though....

I hope this doesn't get messy....Praying for the best.

Major bummer! Glad you're "relatively" OK. Just down the street from me too!!! If you're back this way, give me a shout.

I used to commute from here to Barker Cypress and I-10. The first thing I got were "hot spot" mirrors so I didn't have to look away from Houston traffic for more than a milisecond, to avoid exactly what happened to you. Put them on your farkle list!

Hope you heal soon!

There but the grace of god... been through some close calls in similar circumstances.

Hope you heal fully!

It happens so quickly, doesn't it?
I'm glad to hear you made it without any major injuries. Looks like your co-pilot was taking care of you, like he took care of me. It could have been much worse!

As sad as it is looking at Remington on it's side like that, it's only plastic and metal. Thank God you are still with us.

Heal up quickly.


