Well-known member
Hypothetically, lets just say you are enjoying a "spirited" ride down a favorite winding back road and you ride over the crest of a small hill only to be hit by the ear shattering scream of instant on radar and the sight of a LEO about 150 yards ahead of you slowly beginning to creep forward. Being the conscientious law abiding rider that you are, you immediately pull over even as the said LEO is making a U-Turn. You then turn off the bike, remove your gloves, remove your helmet, and begin running through the mental rolodex of excuses that you keep handy for situations like this. All the while, it is slowly sinking in that if he approaches the bike and sees the radar detector you are figuratively screwed. Since you don't see a need to disappoint and upset the PO and needing a place to put your helmet so you can answer your ringing cell phone to tell your girlfriend your insurance rates are probably the only thing that will be rising shortly, you imaginatively place your helmet strategically over the top of the detector and begin fishing for your license and registration. When the nice officer approaches, gives you the requisite hairy eye ball, and informs you that you were doing 53 in a 30 you immediately dredge up your best look of shock and surprise and begin tapping your speedometer. Minutes later, the officer approaches, tells you "this isn't the interstate" and that he is "cutting you a break". You S-L-O-W-L-Y put all of your paperwork back in their respective places, put on your gloves, generously wave the officer forward so you don't hold him up, and THEN remove your helmet from the newly found helmet stand and proceed on your way. :yahoo:
Now you see it.....
Now you don't.....
Now you see it.....

Now you don't.....

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