A one time decent leak of gear oil on rear wheel possible?

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Official Dumbass
Mar 6, 2008
Reaction score
Westminster, MA
So, on a recent trip heading down to WV from Mass I noticed at a stop in PA that there was a pretty decent amount of oil that looks like got puked out of the drive shaft housing from under the dust seal. the oil was only on the left side of the rear rim and was enough to cover about 50% of the surface area of the rim. Being late in the day on a Saturday with no hopes of getting the bike looked at or even fixed on a Sunday or Monday, the decision was made to head for home after stopping at a nearby dealership and they thought it may have been the inner seal that leaked. So we bought a couple quarts of gear oil, made sure the hub was full, cleaned off the wheel and away we went.... wouldn't you know the fucking thing didn't leak the whole five hour ride home?!

What the hell would've caused a one time puke of gear oil like that? I'd think that if it was going to leak, it'd leak all the time..... I checked the reservoir when we got home after letting it cool down overnight and the damn thing was still full! I even looked on the underside of the swingarm in case maybe it leaked from some other screwball place, but didn't see any evidence of that. WTF???

Since it didn't leak again, is it ok to drive? The wheel turns freely and I don't hear any odd sounds....

If the shop pulled the rear wheel and looked at the internals of the drive shaft housing, would they be able to tell from looking at it if it was a bad seal? Or would they just recommend to replace parts based on the description??

Any advice/insight would be helpful! Thanks!

Sounds like your punkin may have been a bit overfilled and burped. Not at all unusual if someone turns the rear wheel when filling it. Please DAMHIK. Things like this always pop up at the most inconvenient times, eh? Also keep in mind- that gear oil is gooey stuff and it doesn't take much to look like a lot. Chances are you barfed about 1/2 oz. I say clean up and ride. Check level and wheel periodically. And make sure the vent is clear, if it's not then heat = pressure = a little burp past a seal. It's what I'd do.

One more vote for 'this can happen' especially just after an oil change. I don't know why it happens but I know it does. The actual amount of oil puked is usually minuscule, at least it is in my case. If you try wiping the rim with a finger (or cloth) you see more dust/grime than oil.

The gearbox should be filled to the BOTTOM of the threads and the wheel should NOT be rotated during the fill-up.

Seems to me there was a little overfill (from possibly rotating the wheel when filling as mentioned). It will/can puke the overfill amount out the vent at the top of the rear drive..... wipe it off. Wipe your tire with a rag dampened slightly with mineral spirits or naptha, then wash it well with dishwashing soap and water.

Thanks for the thread and thanks for the info guys. Happened to me a couple of weeks back right after my fill up. I've replaced it many times but never had that happen before, figured it must be what you guys described. And like you said, it wasn't that much.

So, on a recent trip heading down to WV from Mass I noticed at a stop in PA that there was a pretty decent amount of oil that looks like got puked out of the drive shaft housing from under the dust seal. the oil was only on the left side of the rear rim and was enough to cover about 50% of the surface area of the rim. Being late in the day on a Saturday with no hopes of getting the bike looked at or even fixed on a Sunday or Monday, the decision was made to head for home after stopping at a nearby dealership and they thought it may have been the inner seal that leaked. So we bought a couple quarts of gear oil, made sure the hub was full, cleaned off the wheel and away we went.... wouldn't you know the fucking thing didn't leak the whole five hour ride home?!
What the hell would've caused a one time puke of gear oil like that? I'd think that if it was going to leak, it'd leak all the time..... I checked the reservoir when we got home after letting it cool down overnight and the damn thing was still full! I even looked on the underside of the swingarm in case maybe it leaked from some other screwball place, but didn't see any evidence of that. WTF???

Since it didn't leak again, is it ok to drive? The wheel turns freely and I don't hear any odd sounds....

If the shop pulled the rear wheel and looked at the internals of the drive shaft housing, would they be able to tell from looking at it if it was a bad seal? Or would they just recommend to replace parts based on the description??

Any advice/insight would be helpful! Thanks!

Another thing to consider is that it might be Moly grease that has "sprayed" out from the final drive splines. As noted many times on this forum, it's prudent to apply a small amount of grease to the splines during tire changes. I've found that if I get "carried away" with my grease application that I get to clean the excess of my rear wheel for awhile!!

Just a thought.

Thanks to all -1 for your input and sharing of your experience. I will admit that I did in fact rotate the wheel and added additional fluid. Valuable lesson learned. As for Alexander, my apologies for offending you with my potty mouth. My advice? Stay the **** away from Bustanut!

Ummmmmmmmmmm.. CJ ? I left you alone here as I seen you was a dumbass as your title says.
And you Provoke me still ??

You are past due for a violent ass rape brother..Sending your info to Kanada


I figured it was a good a way as any to poke a stick at the bees nest to see if you were still functioning or not! Unfortunately, I've been far removed from here, so not up to date on anything..... wasn't sure if you were still kicking or not, you ornery mule, so figured I'd lay down a turd and see if you'd step in it! Gotcha!

Of all days to go outside shoeless!


Only happened just once? Sheeeeeeeeezzzzz.

I can count at least three times for me. Second week I owned the bike Just a couple months ago and sometime in between. Wipe the shit off CJ and ride will ya!!!!!

Fluid over fill,


Sorry my emotions nolonger work

I had this happen after changing the drive oil to a name brand synthetic 75w90. It started leaking within 600 miles on the rim as described. On a hunch because of a simliar experience with a rear differential leak on a British car some years ago. I drained the drive unit and put in some conventonial Heavy Duty 85w140 Hypoid gear oil of a different name brand I had on hand and it has never leaked since.

Keep your ugly language to yourself. It doesn't belong here
Huh? So now Mr. 13 posts is the one who tells us what belongs here and what doesn't?

You might want to become just a bit less sensitive to vulgarity if you want to play on the wild, wild intarwebs, Alex.

As for all these FJR guys that have gear lubing their rear tire... you probably aren't using the oh-fishal Mamaha prescribed whale jizz gear lube, now are you?

See...that's the reason why you're supposed to buy that mega-expensive stuff. The Jizz stays put inside your final drive until you decide to drop it out. Not like those inferior products like Mobil 1 Full synthetic Gear Lube that experience premature, erm.. well you know.

So, one has to wonder...

If you use Mobil 1 gear lube and then drop a couple of tabs of Viagra in the tank, then what happens? Will the ole' punkin' run dry?

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