A reason to accidents?

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Oldy but goody...


Rider 1: don't exceed your limitations to impress others

Rider 2: don't fixate on anything but your line

Yep, Harley. I rode a friends Harley there a few years ago & it's definetly not a good place/bike for exceeding your limits(no place is) . . . . As mentioned above, shoulda rode His own line. . . .

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I never tire of that one!

Wheaton's right ... but I would add another lesson for Rider 1: you can usually lean your bike over further than you think (yes, even a big Harley).

He was so busy trying to stop when he should've been looking for an alternative. I've been there and sometimes find myself making knee-jerk reactions that are not optimal. Bottom line .... consciously work on making your escape skills second-nature.

This should be mandatory viewing prior to riding the Dragon!

Saw this video about a year ago... still listen to the Jack asses in the van.. Lets get out of here..... ummm what about being a good human being and may be help the poor bastard.....

It always shocks me how people who are not skilled riders get a Road king or big bike, days after getting their MC license..."Darwinian selection" All I got to say

I was thinking about this :glare: Why are theese fools driving a car on a winding road where motorcycles frequent, driving slow, and video taping. Did the knuckle head in the car thinking he was going to get his butt kicked, because they are driving slow on purpose to frustrate motorcycles to pass them in an all no pass zone stretch of road, to catch a collision on tape? NAAAAAAAH. what am I thinking people can't be that heartless, cold and cruel. :huh:

I was thinking about this :glare: Why are theese fools driving a car on a winding road where motorcycles frequent, driving slow, and video taping. Did the knuckle head in the car thinking he was going to get his butt kicked, because they are driving slow on purpose to frustrate motorcycles to pass them in an all no pass zone stretch of road, to catch a collision on tape? NAAAAAAAH. what am I thinking people can't be that heartless, cold and cruel. :huh:
It clearly isn't a car. More like some sort of big RV or motor home. And sorry, just because a whole lot of people like to ride their motorcycles on that road does not mean that other users have no right to the same piece of road. It's a frikken road, not a motorcycle playground.
