A SICK dude painted this!!

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Benevolent Dictator
Jun 8, 2005
Reaction score
Tri-Cities, WA
I think the owner here needs to up his Lithium dose...... :blink: :blink: :blink:


He said his "inspiration" was seeing this paint job on a NASCAR cage..... Tide does NASCAR, huh? Sweet. <_<

shoulda done the "Viagra" theme.

then he could point at it and say "it gives me a woody"

Some more wild R1 photos........

I'm not really into "flames" paint jobs, but this one is kinda interesting... check out the right fork lower/ caliper!


Interesting paint, but the guy went Way-Gay with all the silly-ass chrome......


Again, too much chroming, but the Budweiser paint job here is pretty sweet....


Is Tide going to pay him to ride or sue him for some kind of copyright infringement?

[Ridiculous] There is an opportunity here for him to do some unclean things to Tide's reputation. Clean get-away machine? The police caught a speeder going so fast that the Tide actually looked like a tsunami. Police ticket a unicycle Tide machine (wheelies).[/Ridiculous]

Another example of money over intelligence/taste/style/class. :bad:

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I don't understand the fuss. People play big bucks for the Repsol replica Honda


The Budweiser bike is OK, but the Tide bike isn't?

I agree the gratuitous use of chrome does lead toward the ghey side, but as far as Tide Racing goes, so what? The guy's a Tide Racing fan big harry deal.

I'm not really into 'loud' colors, so the Tide bike isn't for me. Also too many Tide logos on it. one would have been fine and probably would have made the bike look better overall.

I'll admit to looking at some MotoGP replica tupperware for my CBR. I never did buy it, but I thought it was pretty cool.

Well, I for one have a jones for that flame jobbie. Of course, what I really can't wait to see is radman's Ethel Merman meets Dame Edna tribute paint scheme of his boy, Frank.
