A Tragic End For A Marine That Was Close

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Well-known member
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Sag Harbor, NY
If you have been on the forum for a while you know of my son Jordan's death and the circumstances surrounding it. If you don't you can check my sig line.

Yesterday, one of the 33 Marines who's life had been saved by Jordan and Jonathan's heroic actions in Ramadi , Cpl Nicholas George Xiarhos, was tragically killed in combat in the Helmand Province of Afghanistan after he was redeployed with 2/8, the same unit that Jonathan Yale served with....He was 21 years old. The same age that Jordan would have turned next week.

Coincidentally, 26 Marines from Jordan's platoon arrived in Sag Harbor last night to ride in his honor in Soldier Ride. We broke the news to them this morning.....Devastated and heartbroken are the only terms I can use for the way I feel right now for the Xiarhos family.

May he forever Rest In Peace....


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So sorry to hear of your sons passing. Marines have it tough, we're usually the first in the shit, and always make it better for those that come in behind us. It's a tough job, but so is being the parent, or friend of a Marine. Semper Fi sir. God bless.


My heart sinks every time I hear about another traggic loss. I know they are out there doing their jobs. I just don't agree with why they are doing it.

God Speed to all. The price is too high.

I just joined the PGR and this was my first mission. I will be going back on Friday for the Funeral Service. They are holding a memorial service tonight and are expecting over 2000 people to show up. Very sad and heart wrenching. They can't do enough for those that protect us.

Semper Fidelis

I don't know the right words to express the sadness news like this gives me.

If it is worth anything, know that I and my family thank these men and honor them for their sacrifice...
