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I am no expert by any means but I have at least some experience to share.

I signed up for the Advanced MSF course last year and as luck would have it, it rained all day. I found out quickly that my FJR with ABS handily out performed the all the other bikes that did not have ABS in the quick stopping tests, and it wasn't because of my superior piloting skills. The instructors were impressed with the FJR and even stopped me to discuss my FJR and it's ABS, one of which rode a ST1300. The FJR with ABS performed flawlessly all day. Many of the other bikes simply slid to a stop while my FJR was quick to stop and was always under control.

Just my experience and as always YMMV.
Already proven to be superior as you mention. Everyone else "sliding" means they were locking their brakes.

What should not be allowed is that others place ABS on a pedestal and then attempt to glorify it by validating the false argument that it saves lives. There is absolutely no question that it increases chances of survival.
Maybe I'm missing something, but isn't "increases chances of survival" kinda the same thing as "it saves lives"?

Dude, you have a serious contradiction in your statements there.

I'm not saying ABS is good, bad, or smoked pork, but what you wrote don't make a lick!
No its not kinda the same thing unless you kinda want it to be.

"It increases your chances of death" does not mean it kills you does it? It just means the chances are increased or decreased.

I'm saying ABS is good but not for every possible reason or person but what is important is that those that want it can have it.

You're the first I met that has zero opinion for/against ABS. Not sure if that makes a lick or not but don't start an NEPRT thread about it to find out because it may very well reduce your chances of survival. :unsure:

I will be leaving and won't be coming back. TA TA. In fact, I will consider very, very carefully, how a thread is started moving forward to avoid making it an NEPRT and if it turns out to be an NEPRT, then I won't waste my time in it. I learned my lesson.



What should not be allowed is that others place ABS on a pedestal and then attempt to glorify it by validating the false argument that it saves lives. There is absolutely no question that it increases chances of survival.
Maybe I'm missing something, but isn't "increases chances of survival" kinda the same thing as "it saves lives"?

Dude, you have a serious contradiction in your statements there.

I'm not saying ABS is good, bad, or smoked pork, but what you wrote don't make a lick!
No its not kinda the same thing unless you kinda want it to be.

"It increases your chances of death" does not mean it kills you does it? It just means the chances are increased or decreased.

I'm saying ABS is good but not for every possible reason or person but what is important is that those that want it can have it.

You're the first I met that has zero opinion for/against ABS. Not sure if that makes a lick or not but don't start an NEPRT thread about it to find out because it may very well reduce your chances of survival. :unsure:

I will be leaving and won't be coming back. TA TA. In fact, I will consider very, very carefully, how a thread is started moving forward to avoid making it an NEPRT and if it turns out to be an NEPRT, then I won't waste my time in it. I learned my lesson.


Spin it any way you want to, but in one sentence you decry those who claim ABS saves lives. Then in the very next sentence you say ABS increases the chances of survival. You can't have it both ways. ABS either does or doesn't reduce accidents, since I doubt anyone riding a bike has ever just outright keeled over dead because the bike did or didn't have ABS on it. The connection between DEATH and ABS is its ability, or inability to reduce, or outright prevent accidents.

Sorry to hear you're leaving this thread. It's been great watching you defend how many ABS angels you can dance on the head of a pin.

Stop by the commissary before you leave. Your shipment just arrived.....

