Accent lights?

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2007
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Des Moines, IA
I've seen 'Wingers and custom choppers with the small bulbs/LEDs tucked into various crevices for accents. Anyone done this type of thing to a Feejer? If so, let's see some pics. I'd think tucked into the cowl above the front fender and in the vents on the sides of the tupperware would be obvious spots. Or is all my taste in my mouth?


To each his own. Not my cup of tea personally, but its your bike. Do what you feel like. Some of us will just stand back and snicker a bit thats all...

To each his own. Not my cup of tea personally, but its your bike. Do what you feel like. Some of us will just stand back and snicker a bit thats all...
Individualizing the bike is what this board is supposed to be about, right? I'm not sure I want to do it yet...just curious about others' mods. Already received one PM from someone reluctant to post pics here for fear of getting flamed. If I do "light it up", I'll be sure to don my asbestos suit and post pics. Ought to make for a lively discussion.


To each his own. Not my cup of tea personally, but its your bike. Do what you feel like. Some of us will just stand back and snicker a bit thats all...
Individualizing the bike is what this board is supposed to be about, right? I'm not sure I want to do it yet...just curious about others' mods. Already received one PM from someone reluctant to post pics here for fear of getting flamed. If I do "light it up", I'll be sure to don my asbestos suit and post pics. Ought to make for a lively discussion.


Oh its all in good fun. I wouldn't worry too much about getting flamed. Maybe a little ribbing but that's it. Obviously your not the only one on here who has considered it.

I'm looking for the ssame info. If anyone has done it, love to here whee they installed them

Something like this?


I'm all for lighting that helps you be seen. Or see better. That's about it.

Saw a lot of it on bikes at Daytona. I'm not sure I like it or not. Saw it on both squid bikes and Hardleys but, with the exception of a couple of Wings, never on super sport touring bikes. Different breed I guess.

Edit: Kinda cool how the n00b's bring up the old threads. At least they're looking around. I love it! Thanks! :clapping: :clapping:

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Well, you wanted to know so here is a couple pics with some background.

I got my set of lights off of ebay from a feller in Florida..Joe I think....pull the info if want when I leave the biz.

Anywhoo....I saw these on cruisers and thought they were pretty cool and the most part, they light you up going down the road. Originally had them on my black 92 connie, took them off when I traded her off.

These lights have 15 different light patterns and were very easy to install...well not that easy time consuming to get it perfect where you want it...but not difficult just time consuming. You have to lay things out a couple times before you button it down.

The sticky back that came with the gizmo's were torn when I pulled them off other bike. So I used silicone adhesive to mount to the bike, because it had good heat tolerence and water resistent. Also used wire ties as well. The wires are insulated to withstand a good amount of heat. I even went back and relocated a couple just to direct the light where I wanted it. One feller rider visiting from Oregon, told me they were illegal up there. These pics are just two I took a few months ago, if interested I'll post an array of pics showing the location of the lights and their capabilities.

You will be seen going down the road and in traffic....I don't want any cager having any excuse. When people are fixed in on white light at night a little color array really alerts them to pay attention.



I've posted one of these before I think.

Versatility my friend is a great resource. During the day, you can't even see the led's hidden behind the one know's until I hit the hidden remote switch.

Exactly what I was looking for. If you can identify locations on the bike, that would be great. Thought one would look good up in the cockpit too.

Exactly what I was looking for. If you can identify locations on the bike, that would be great. Thought one would look good up in the cockpit too.
Let me see if I can recall the locations..

2 on each side of the cowling under above the horns and just above the cut from the radiator.

1 on each side of the radius fairing of the fork area.

1 on each side of the fairing cut out, above the frame sliders location.

1 on each side of the gear/break fixture

1 on each side of the open shock area

3 on each side of the rear wheel fender (drilled through fender) 1:1 on top 1:1 on behind bags pointing down 1:1 rear fender as well.

When I had Harley's I used to chrome-up as needed. Now it's pretty much farkles (functional articles?). If it doesn't have a function I don't add it. My bike is pretty much a tool to get a job done (rally, long-distance ride, etc.), so the things that go on it are to make the tool work better.

But yours may perform a different function so you may want to do things differently.

True that is:

Function to speak of........When we do our monthly couple rides (wifey & I) and other married couples who ride, I am the only one not on a cruiser. Therefore I have become the designated "Shot gun", "Tail dog", "Trail bike", whatever the heck the term is for it, and she rides directly in front of she is my ultimate and primary concern. At times at night when I am flanking behind her, there have been instances (moreso when she was a beginner than now) where cager's have attempted to cross and break the formation. I of course being on my powerful and quick steed, immediately rush up and regain control of the stagger.

If we are leaving as a group from a gas stop onto a main highway, then I am the traffic marshall, haulting traffic so they will allow all of us to enter the roadway safely while maintaining our formations.

I tried that in pitch dark on my all black connie, and that was a bit dangerous, as the cager wasn't paying attention, got a little too close for comfort. So for those rides the LED's definitely brighten up your position for all to see.

As a matter of fact, just yesterday I was online searching for some strobe lights (just 2) to put front and back for the upcoming riding season....I am a bit leary as I do not want to get fined for impersonating a LEO, however it's probably okay, because 3 of our riders or LEO's themselves......

So, point very well taken.

". . . they light you up going down the road. . . One feller rider visiting from Oregon, told me they were illegal up there. . ."
Here as well. And they enforce it. It's a tool to discourage the folks who tie up traffic on "cruise nights." OK parked, but not on the road.

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As a matter of fact, just yesterday I was online searching for some strobe lights (just 2) to put front and back for the upcoming riding season....I am a bit leary as I do not want to get fined for impersonating a LEO, however it's probably okay, because 3 of our riders or LEO's themselves......
I have hyperwhites front and back...the dash switches are for off, solid, and flashing

I run the front solid 24/7

When in a PGR funeral escort, I run front and back flashing

Folks seem to notice me pretty well now



