Accu-Pressure Caps

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I have had the experience of fixing flat tires when they fail.

The design keeps the schrader valve open, and relies on the cap bladder not to fail.

When the clear cap debonds, or get broken -- you will have a flat tire.

I had a set I got from Shadetree (I think, maynot be the same brand) and used them for about 4 months when I noticed that the rear tire kept going 'red' on me after about a week. I tried like crazy to find where the air was leaking from until I got the bright idea to swap the rear cap to the front. Lo and behold, the front developed a slow leak and the back was fine. Nuff said :angry2:

The margin of error for those things isn't that great either, something like 6lbs. Thus, if you wanted say, 36lbs in your tire, you'd need/want to get a 42lb cap so when it got below 36 you'd know. If you got the 36lb cap, it wouldn't show a problem until you were at 30lbs.

I had the same experience coat95 did in that I had one that constantly caused low pressure in one tire. Granted, it was nice that it alerted me to the low pressure, but the fact that it caused the low pressure wasn't too nice.

Go with SmarTire... much more refined, informative, and reliable. Can be had for a decent price from G. McCoy...

Just to chime in.. I really really tried to make these things work... and they all failed / leaked..3 different sets.. :angry2: