Seat options

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The last time someone used that around me at a GWRRA meeting I asked them if their wife was 4 and held the whole house hostage to tantrums if she didn't get her way.

They didn't use it around me anymore. :D
There are 2 Russell seat options. The standard Russell and the Russell sport seat. I went with the Russell sport seat. It is the same height as a stock seat. It is generally shaped like a standard Russell but more narrow up front, easier to move around while canyon carving and putting your feet down while stopped.

I have over 70,000 miles on this seat with several days over 600 miles. (I’m no iron butt guy). Never ever a complaint with this seat. Super comfortable all day.


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I’m having quite a bit of pressure on my tailbone from my stock seat (2011 FJR1300) and I’m researching some aftermarket seat options. I have a Butt Buffer pad but that only helps slightly. It’s like I need the seat reshaped entirely.
Ones that I’ve found so far:
Top Sellerie
Russell all day saddles
Mean City Cycles (stock seat modification)
Anyone have any rave reviews on any of these? Im kinda leaning towards the Corbin seat because of the price and looks, but I notice a lot of Corbin seats have been listed for sale on here which leads me to believe that people get them and don’t like them. Anyhow, I would love to hear from people regarding the options I’ve listed above (and those I haven’t). Thanks.
I feel fortunate to have the Saddlemen's Track Seat f+r. Looks great and has zero tailbone pressure because it's got a center slot cutout like many bicycle seats. Excellent support and quality! Much better for sportier riding since it's not shaped like a tractor seat. The family jewels also benefit. I haven't yet seen another FJR with the same seat, so it's got some uniqueness.
My first post with the forum and it’s on seats. I had a first Gen with a Corbin (bought it with it) and loved it. Now I have a gen three and this stock seat feels terrible. But being 13 years older of course my butt has disappeared but not my gut. I need a tractor seat. Not sure why Yamaha could make such a perfect seat for the Royal Star Ventura but not their sport touring bike.
I’ve enjoyed everyone’s comments though. Entertaining:)
I feel fortunate to have the Saddlemen's Track Seat f+r. Looks great and has zero tailbone pressure because it's got a center slot cutout like many bicycle seats. Excellent support and quality! Much better for sportier riding since it's not shaped like a tractor seat. The family jewels also benefit. I haven't yet seen another FJR with the same seat, so it's got some uniqueness.
I have a Saddlemen's Track seat. Doesn't work for me so it's on the shelf and I use my Sargent.
I had a saddlemans (don't know which) on a GL1200 Wing. Hard as nails. Ended up using bandages on it to make it useful (pads, etc.). If any aftermarket seat needs those then it wasn't built correctly for your needs.
20 bikes over my years. OEM FJR seat is the worst ever. sad. Currently running a sargent, and it's great in the twisties/knee down but marginal for long long days. considering the Russel Sport as noted above.
Have an air hawk and did a 1K day on it over the sargent... it was okay... and damn sure better than being without it.
just did 900 over three days and day three required the sheep skin cover... really helpful for the 400 mile trip home.
maybe i'm soft. definitely old. but i hate when my ass hurts. jus sayin'
All day long, my first choice is Russell Day Long saddle — same seat as favored by IBA winners. When my FJR was stolen last year, the RDL seat with 130,000 comfortable miles under it was gone too!
I’ve told this story on this forum before, but it’s been a while, so here goes:

When I bought my 1st Gen (2005 w/ 10k miles) it came with a Corbin “close”, which is supposed to be for shorter riders, which I am not one of. I loved my new to me FJR but couldn’t stand the seat.

Thinking maybe it was the “close” part that was the problem I traded seats with another forum member that had a Corbin regular, and who was short so wanted to try the close. Neither of us were any happier after the swap.

Not having ever ridden on the stock seats I bought a set off fleaBay. That was better than either Corbin, but not better enough.

Bought a custom made Corbin driver seat only. it was built with extra padding and heated pad. That was another no-go. But I learned that I don’t like heated seats. They just make your ass sweat while the rest of you is still cold.

Sent the stock seat set to “Know Place” in the Dakotas for a gel insert and leather cover. Better, but still not great.

Bought a used Rick Mayer, vinyl covered seat from a forum member. It was almost good enough, but I thought it could still be better if it was custom made for me and leather covered, so I sucked it up and sent the Know Place modified seats to Russell.

I put about 80k miles on that seat before I moved up to a 3rd Gen and bought new in 2014. The first thing I did when I got my new ‘14 was send both seats off to Russell for a his and hers custom in half moon stitch pattern leather. I love that seat. An FJR just wouldn’t be all day comfortable to me without a Russell
So far the stock seat is fine with me. It's comfortable for about 300 miles then I'm just kindof tolerating it after that. Maybe someday I'll get a top sellarie seat. I don't like the look or price of the RDL but I don't blame anyone else at all for using them. They do look the most comfortable.

I think someone said you can get a top sellarie for 150 CAD? Was I reading that right? On their website it's about 400 USD and almost 500 USD on eBay
I don’t understand AT ALL how Yamaha can design such a fabulous bike for long distance riding yet put a seat on it that’s the equivalent of a 2 x 6 board. Do they really care so little about customer satisfaction?
I don’t understand AT ALL how Yamaha can design such a fabulous bike for long distance riding yet put a seat on it that’s the equivalent of a 2 x 6 board. Do they really care so little about customer satisfaction?
All motorcycles are built to a price...