Adaptiv TPX Radar Detector

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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2009
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Uniondale, NY
I was wondering if any of my motorcycle brethren use the Adaptiv TPX Radar Detector? I bought my unit during the Americade Rally in Lake George and haven't taken it off my bike yet. It seems to work pretty well at sniffing out "the man" when I'm trying to have a little fun. I will probably add the laser jamming unit to it next year to complete the system.

I like mine alot...had it over 18 months...think it's a 1st Generation

also use both the led visual and the wireless audio

I wish I had the $$$ for the jammer, but have learned to just set the cruise to 79 on the slab and no worries

best part is it's made for motorcycles and all those advantages

mines is industrial grade velcroed to the top of the brake right side master cylinder with an elastic hair band (replaced the rubber band) to keep the cord from backing out


I tried one at the same time as my 8500. The adaptiv unit proved thoroughly worthless at picking up K and Ka, but it picked up every single X signal before the 8500 did. Unfortunately, I haven't seen an actual cop running an X band gun for some time.

The roads I ride 95% of the time are all patrolled by cops with laser systems. I have given up using detectors for the most part, even my Valentine 1, since by the time any system detects a laser signal it is too late. A motorcycle cycle specific detector is nice, but still wouldn't help me any.

The roads I ride 95% of the time are all patrolled by cops with laser systems. I have given up using detectors for the most part, even my Valentine 1, since by the time any system detects a laser signal it is too late. A motorcycle cycle specific detector is nice, but still wouldn't help me any.
Same for Maryland, Northern VA, and the District. The only benefit to detectors around here is if there's a traffic camera and you've been too asleep to miss it coming. Or maybe to see if the doors are working at the local grocery store.

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I use it always, and it does pick up every x band door opener, but it also picks up cops who are driving the town, as they leave their radar on all the time.I really bought it because it's water proof (sort of) and I didn't have to worry about it getting runined in the rain. I can travel 75-80 and not worry, there's no laser here. If I were to travel faster regularly then I would look at the valentine 1, but hey, i want to keep my license.

i also use it in my truck and it's a pain in the a@s because the display screen is angled up for the motorcycle. Also, there is no window mount, and I don't want velcro glued to my dash. It slides around alot and I go by the sound it's emitting. You think for their price they could make a $2 window bracket for it!

I like mine alot...had it over 18 months...think it's a 1st Generation

also use both the led visual and the wireless audio

I wish I had the $$$ for the jammer, but have learned to just set the cruise to 79 on the slab and no worries

best part is it's made for motorcycles and all those advantages

mines is industrial grade velcroed to the top of the brake right side master cylinder with an elastic hair band (replaced the rubber band) to keep the cord from backing out

Dude! How can you steer?

I tried one at the same time as my 8500. The adaptiv unit proved thoroughly worthless at picking up K and Ka, but it picked up every single X signal before the 8500 did. Unfortunately, I haven't seen an actual cop running an X band gun for some time.
National parks

I haven't got any personal experience with the Adaptiv products but they were a substantial supporter of CFO this year with $550 worth of gift certificates :good:

I tried one at the same time as my 8500. The adaptiv unit proved thoroughly worthless at picking up K and Ka, but it picked up every single X signal before the 8500 did. Unfortunately, I haven't seen an actual cop running an X band gun for some time.
National parks
They still run X band in rural New Jersey. I believe at least one other state still uses it, but I can't remember which one.

I like mine alot...had it over 18 months...think it's a 1st Generation

also use both the led visual and the wireless audio

I wish I had the $$$ for the jammer, but have learned to just set the cruise to 79 on the slab and no worries

best part is it's made for motorcycles and all those advantages

mines is industrial grade velcroed to the top of the brake right side master cylinder with an elastic hair band (replaced the rubber band) to keep the cord from backing out

Dude! How can you steer?
steer, what's steer...I just lean

check out:

post #36

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I turned off the X band on my 8500x50-not even the fish cops have it anymore. And since big bro needs the cash we have a phuz behind every bush in the speed zones so my Escort is worth it's weight in tickets. Laser doesn't work thru glass or precipitation or fog so I seldom see it and only then on the big road..

"Laser doesn't work thru glass..."

That's the only good thing about it. The officer has to actually get out of his/her vehicle and stand there in a stable pose with the gun held up for aiming. :blink: It's a lot easier to sit in the car with the heater or a-c running, watching the radar readout.


I tried one at the same time as my 8500. The adaptiv unit proved thoroughly worthless at picking up K and Ka, but it picked up every single X signal before the 8500 did. Unfortunately, I haven't seen an actual cop running an X band gun for some time.

My unit picks up K and Ka without any problems. Did you ever call the folks at Adaptiv and ask them to check your unit out? I had a display problem with my first unit, sent it back to them and haven't had any problems since with the replacement unit they sent me. In Long Island and most of the places I travel in NY there is mostly K and Ka, so if the unit wasn't working properly this would have been a different type of post.

I run a Valentine 1 with a remote display, its has saved me thousands of dollars. I love the arrow too, they are right about 95% of the time.

Ordered and mounted the TPX up on me scooter two weeks ago. Bought the specific mount for the FJR and the visual alert and made a run from Utah to Montana. This thing kicked ass! Have an Escort 8500 for the car and in comparison to the TPX I saw no difference. Just had to go to City NoX from time to time but highway setting mostly. Thumbs up on this baby!

Sorry to break it to you all but a radar detector will only work if the cop has left the radar unit on continuously. The bad news is thats rare these days most radar units have a trigger to turn on so by the time your radar detector goes off they already have you speed. As far as jamming goes thats bullshit. There are no known true jammers. The only way to avoid radar or laser would be to engineer a vehicle with no reflective surfaces and use the same paint the Navy and Air force use on spy planes and boats. FYI if you have that kind of money just speed you can afford the ticket. The easiest way to push your ride is to do a check pass on the road make sure no cops no people to call cops etc then run her out. Oh the good news is that most cops I know won't even bother to pull out after a MC unless they are a MC unit. Most assume the MC will run ad know they can't keep with it. With all the law suits from wrecking involving pursuits allot of departments are changing their policies especially of the offense is just a traffic offense. I am NOT recommending not stopping I am just saying.

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In theory you're right. In practice I find that, unless I'm running solo or at the head of all the other traffic, my V1 does more than a passingly acceptable job of picking up warnings early enough for me to react when others get pinged or LEOs are running constant on. As for LASER, I get 2 audible warnings; 1 from the V1 and 1 from the Blinder (which them jams for 10 seconds which is much more than enough time to throw out the anchor).

As for the other blanket statements... any cites?

o I know cops that stop riders.

o There are tested and proven LASER jammers.

o RADAR jammers are controlled by the FCC and not legal for use anywhere in the US without FCC approval.

o There are more ways to "minimize risk" from electronic warfare that don't include the absolute of (complete) avoidance.

o The easiest way to "push your ride" isn't doing it twice. It's using a rabbit. It depends more on the scope of your ride. Prerunning an hour route is only 2 hours of your day. Prerunning from DFW to Seattle is a different thing completely.

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