Adaptiv TPX Radar Detector

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"...Oh the good news is that most cops I know won't even bother to pull out after a MC unless they are a MC unit. Most assume the MC will run ad know they can't keep with it..."
There is not a motorcycle out there that can out run a radio signal. I see plenty of motorcycles being pulled over in my neck of the woods. CHP runs two cruisers that spot each others' target... I just ride at speeds just under the faster traffic. I've given up (too) with having a detector, as all it will do is tell me that I just got a ticket.

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Sorry to break it to you all but a radar detector will only work if the cop has left the radar unit on continuously.
That's not quite accurate - it's a bit more complicated than that. A top radar detector combined with somebody who knows how to use it can significantly reduce the odds of getting a ticket. There are no guarantees, but you do what you can to stack the odds in your favor. Mine has no doubt saved my ass many a time. And not on other occasions.

UPDATE: Generation 2.0 TPX RD

I've had it for 500miles of mostly interstate travel and WOW...I'm convinced it's as good as my Passport 8500

Way better than Gen 1

price: $300

I traded mine in for a $75 credit

I also am very appreciative of 2 generous Feej peeps who sent me 2 Adaptiv gift certs won at Gatherings that they honored with no issues

here's the marketing:

Hello Fellow Riders!

The long awaited TPX Radar and Laser Detection System 2.0 is here!

Current 1.0 version customers can upgrade to Version 2.0 by going here:

Version 2.0 features:

* Increased sensitivity.

* Additional modes (now includes City No X and K, Highway No X, Highway No X and K).

* Easier to use in-line connector.

* More durable housing.

For more information on Version 2.0, go to our website at

Ride Safe!

Adaptiv Technologies

I like mine alot...had it over 18 months...think it's a 1st Generation

also use both the led visual and the wireless audio

I wish I had the $$$ for the jammer, but have learned to just set the cruise to 79 on the slab and no worries

best part is it's made for motorcycles and all those advantages

mines is industrial grade velcroed to the top of the brake right side master cylinder with an elastic hair band (replaced the rubber band) to keep the cord from backing out

Dude! How can you steer?
Have you seen where he lives? :lol:

UPDATE: Generation 2.0 TPX RD

I've had it for 500miles of mostly interstate travel and WOW...I'm convinced it's as good as my Passport 8500

Way better than Gen 1

price: $300

I traded mine in for a $75 credit

I also am very appreciative of 2 generous Feej peeps who sent me 2 Adaptiv gift certs won at Gatherings that they honored with no issues

here's the marketing:

Hello Fellow Riders!

The long awaited TPX Radar and Laser Detection System 2.0 is here!

Current 1.0 version customers can upgrade to Version 2.0 by going here:

Version 2.0 features:

* Increased sensitivity.

* Additional modes (now includes City No X and K, Highway No X, Highway No X and K).

* Easier to use in-line connector.

* More durable housing.

For more information on Version 2.0, go to our website at

Ride Safe!

Adaptiv Technologies

I really like the Adaptiv TPX because it works great for me. Thanks for the info, I'm glad somebody on the forum has tried out the new 2.0 and finds it to be an improvement over its predecessor. I wonder what Radar Roy has to say about the new model?

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Patriot, does the new version have 360-degree detection capability now?

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Patriot, does the new version have 360-degree detection capability now?
I think it's top good as any

I'm really only interested in frontal coverage, but I have had law enforcement come up from behind (NOT on the prowl)

and it's alarm went crazy the whole time the officer's vehicle was in sight.

So, I'm very very pleased

I've had the Adaptiv for quite a while and it has saved my bacon on numerous occasions. May not pick up everything, but every bit helps.

I've had the Adaptiv for quite a while and it has saved my bacon on numerous occasions. May not pick up everything, but every bit helps.
the Gen 1 was fair at best...lots of false alarms

the Gen 2 IMHO and others is as good as a Passport or Valentine

plus it's water and shock resistant, screen on top angled toward a rider's eyes, and now comes stock with the bright triple led visual alarm

you can then purchase the wireless audio alarm or wire it into your speakers or purchase an external speaker

they've also added to already city, city nox, highway:

city noxk, highway no x, highway noxk
