R.I.P. Our Motorcycling Friend
Believe it or not, the wifey, who crashed at MSF when she dropped one of the Suzi forward control 250 pieces of **** while trying the slow figure 8's, spraining her wrist, ankle, and swearing never to get on two wheels again, is interested in giving it another go. Found this on Craigs list, 9000 miles, lady rider, looks like I'm gonna pick it up Monday, $800. Need a project, and been looking for a small single, think this might fit the bill. Anyone have any experience with one? It's the model with the factory trunk that replaces the pillion half of the seat when wanted. Looks to be in good shape, stock (like I was expecting a turbo, right?) and well kept.
If it doesn't work out for here, maybe I'll start taxiing Vietnamese families and their stock or sumpin.......

If it doesn't work out for here, maybe I'll start taxiing Vietnamese families and their stock or sumpin.......
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