AE gear actuator removal for air filter change

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Well-known member
May 27, 2012
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United Kingdom

I foolishly set out to change my air filter and I've managed to get the old one removed but cannot get the air box cover back on because the gear actuator is in the way. It appears to be attached with two torx screws but I cannot get them to budge (or the nuts behind).

Has anyone removed the actuator? Is it just those two bolts? Can I drill them out and replacethem?



I don't remember having any trouble changing the air filter on mine. The "nuts" don't turn. They are part of the rear sub frame. I wouldn't use a drill. Use penetrating oil and tap the bolt heads quickly several times with a hammer like a human-powered impact wrench and they should break free.

You might not be using enough bad words...try using more.

I find it's just easier if you just yank off that entire subframe to do the job, it's just in the way and makes things harder.


But no, seriously, I didn't have any problems disconnecting mine. You are using torx bits, correct? If not, invest in a set, you never know when they'll come in handy.

Thanks. Yes I'm using a Torx T30 bit but it fits loosely (and hence will round the head), and a T35 is too big.

I had a look at the bike re removing the subframe, but it looks awfully involved. I think you may have been joking :)



Ha, yes joking. I was one of the unfortunate ones to break the subframe. I had read what a PIA the air filter was to change, and since it was past due, I figured that was a prime time to get the job done. I do admit, it was pretty easy that way.

thanks all. I drilled the bolt heads off in the end after faffing around with bolt extractors failed.

Hi. Yeah, what a piggin awkward job. Managed to change mine w out any drilling but took all my patience (not much) and cuss words (loads).
