AE operation nitpicks

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Active member
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
Port Orange, FL
I saw in another post where some feel the AE sytem doesnt operate as well as advertised. So I thought I would start a thread as to what some of the owners feel could be improved about it on future models. Personally I am fairly satisfied with mine. When I first got it it was very clunky and herky jerky but a combination of turning up the idle speed a bit and improving my technique took care of that. I dont really have any problems I consider earth shattering but If I had to nitpick the system now that I have gotten used to it I would have only two wishes.

1. The engagement of the clutch during intitial takeoff can be a bit notchy.

2. On full throttle shfts clutch reengagement is too slow.

Anybody else?


I saw in another post where some feel the AE sytem doesnt operate as well as advertised. So I thought I would start a thread as to what some of the owners feel could be improved about it on future models. Personally I am fairly satisfied with mine. When I first got it it was very clunky and herky jerky but a combination of turning up the idle speed a bit and improving my technique took care of that. I dont really have any problems I consider earth shattering but If I had to nitpick the system now that I have gotten used to it I would have only two wishes. 1. The engagement of the clutch during intitial takeoff can be a bit notchy.

2. On full throttle shfts clutch reengagement is too slow.

Anybody else?

I thought both these things are adjustable - I saw a thread somewhere that said that there was some way to adjust the tolerances of clutch engagement with the computer.

Everything on my AE works just fine. I have zero problems turning the throttle smoothly and I find it very easy to turn. I can bring the front end up on shifts with no problem. Throttle control on this bike is essential if you want the bike to behave as expected. The only changes I would recommend is a windshield replacement and a decent set of sliders. I put a Cal Sci tall windshield on and found it to be a huge improvement over the stock windshield. As far as sliders go take your pick.

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clutch engagement from a stop is adjustable. as far as full-on acceleration clutch engagement -- not sure if that is adjustable or not.

works fine for me.

I'm still getting used to my AE and am getting smoother with the throttle on/off but it is more abrupt than my 05 was. In a thread on the PCIII for the 06, it would seem that some of this abrupt nature may be the FI mapping. If indeed it is, then it would be a good thing if Yamaha addressed this issue.

clutch engagement from a stop is adjustable. as far as full-on acceleration clutch engagement -- not sure if that is adjustable or not.
I'd like the details of this so I can tell my mechanic, who insists it's NOT adjustable.

2. On full throttle shfts clutch reengagement is too slow.
So that's what's going on. I thought it was my clutch slipping.

I saw in another post where some feel the AE sytem doesnt operate as well as advertised. So I thought I would start a thread as to what some of the owners feel could be improved about it on future models. Personally I am fairly satisfied with mine. When I first got it it was very clunky and herky jerky but a combination of turning up the idle speed a bit and improving my technique took care of that. I dont really have any problems I consider earth shattering but If I had to nitpick the system now that I have gotten used to it I would have only two wishes. 1. The engagement of the clutch during intitial takeoff can be a bit notchy.

2. On full throttle shfts clutch reengagement is too slow.

Anybody else?

Have nearly 7k on my AE. I find it to be an improvement over my 05 in terms of linked ABS brakes, final gearing, heat control, neat grip warmers, easier to read instrument cluster and the great shifting with the foot or finger and it is instaneous. Only thing I can say about it that might be a negative to some, is that you have to think about the shifting methods during operation of the bike, it requires understanding of the system. It required for me a period of learning in order to remember things like others have posted. The new shifting concept is here to stay and as my AE is not a SPORT bike like the R1/6 etc, it is sporty enough for me to handle at my stage of life. Perhaps for younger riders, believing they are invincible, the AEs are not the bike solution.

I also have an 05 with 50k on it and it is a pleasure to ride but honestly moving through the gears and slow riding takes less mental involvement that the 06. Thats my take, and I am not changing it.

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The clutch engagement from a stop is my #1 issue. Next would be the throttle transition from the off throttle position to the maintance position when entering a corner. Then there is the excessive driveline lash that can make things very jerky when you are heeled over in a corner. After I installed a Cee Bailey, flip at the top, windshield I realized how useless the stock windshield is. There isn't any bike that is free of faults as everyone has a different idea of what the perfect bike would be. If they did build the perfect bike most everyone would say it's too expensive. I've rode a lot of bikes and the AE part has taken me a while to adjust to but for the $$$$ I would say it is the best overall bike that I've ever owned. My dealer assures there is no clutch engagement adjustment, if someone know how this is done please give everyone the details and instructions, it would be greatly appreciated. RIDE SAFE

I wish the Hand Shift was always on or at least on by default. A couple of times I have started off from being parked in 1st only to get down the road and not be able to shift until I figure out that the Hand Shift is not on. Embarrassing and occaisionally dangerous.

My other pet peave is the non-cancelling blinkers. I either end up driving down the road like an old man with the left blinker going, (dangerous since much of our safety depends on sending the right signals to the few drivers that actually do see us), or I find myself not using blinkers because I don't want to forget to cancel them.

HC3, around here there is a quick fix for the blinker light. It's hearing me come up behind you yelling "idiot... idiot.... idiot..." with each flash of the bulbs.
