AE Owners Speak Up - Please!!

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Jul 23, 2006
Reaction score
North Carolina
Due to problems with his left hand, a friend of mine needs to find a bike with Electric shift. He can't bring himself to go with the Burgman since he said he is not a Scooter dude - yet! He's looked at Aprillia's new Nano but it just doesn't fit him - he's tall ( 6'-2" ). Doesn't want to go with a three-wheeler.

Since he is not a computer person, I told him I would check the FJR AE out for him. I've read most of the threads on the AE - or, at least the ones I can find ......... SEARCH function doesn't work with two letters "AE" !!

Would appreciate your help:

* How will it fit a rider 6'2" ??

* Is $12,790 a good price for a new left-over 2006 model?

* Any issues/problems that are specific to the '06 AE model?

* Any "downers" on the '06 FJR that might apply also to the AE model? (I've already read a lot of the "ups" on the FJR ... I'm just looking for anything my friend may need to look out for")

* Is smooth shifting a problem?

* What about slow speed manuvers?

* He's been riding bikes for 50 years .... any comments on the transition from clutch to AE; learning curve, etc.?

He's really not looking for the high speed performance comments since he likes to ride at a leisure pace. He does a lot of long distance travel ....... which he cannot do now because of his hand.

My only concern from what I've heard about the AE (or any FJR for that matter") is the weight. How hard is it to get off of the

center stand? Does weight play a part in slow speed manuvering?

Also, any other general comments will be helpful.

Thanks for your help.

Sam in Statesville, NC

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I've read most of the threads on the AE - or, at least the ones I can find ......... SEARCH function doesn't work with two letters "AE" !!
Try Google. Type this in the search line - AE

Or just wait 'til Friday and post this again. Should be fun.

I don't own an AE, but so far just about everyone I know who has them likes them. Seems like it takes little time to get used to shifting. Slow speed maneuvers don't seem to be a problem, 'least not any more than the standard model.

Are all the AE's still that silly silver color?

Check out Cycle Trader, just search for FJR AE as a key word and more will come up. You can get a '08 AE for under $12k if you search and are willing to travel, a left over '06 should be going for less. Offer them $10k and have your ducks lined up when you go in, check in hand.

Fit varies, if he's tall torso or fairly normal build, no problem. If he's way long legged, might hit his knees on the fairing, but normally that's only an issue for 6'4"+ guys. Just depends on the build.

There is a very short learning curve for the AE. Most people "get it" in about ten minutes. Slow U turns are the most difficult at first. You have to start out getting the rpms up to engage the clutch, then slow down for the turn, w/o slowing so much that the clutch disengages again. Practice is all. Flicking the buttons for shifting results in much smoother, faster shifts than deliberate pressing.

Getting off the center stand is easy. I just hop on, give it a rocking movement and ride away. Some find it difficult to get up on the center stand, but it's a foot movement, not a lift movement. Press down on the stand while using the hand to guide it up. Should be easy for him at his size.

The bike rides like a much lighter bike once moving. It does have some top heaviness to it at parking lot speeds, but most quickly get used to it. If he gets one, do suggest Sliders and Tip Over Guards ASAP, as plastic is expensive.

I'm only 5' 11" and only had my '07AE since Nov. but I can say that I really like this bike. Do not have any problems with the weight. Don't miss the clutch at all. Had to get a DynoJet to smooth out the throttle response..This bike handles better at slow speed than my VStar1100.. I'm sure others with the AE and more experience with the bike will be responding...

Due to problems with his left hand, a friend of mine needs to find a bike with Auto-shift.
To be absolutely sure, there is no "auto shift" about it. You still need to shift. You just eliminate the clutch squeeze.

But then you knew that already.

Many people like the thumb shift but you can also use your foot like on any other (for the most part) motorcycle.

As far a weight goes, its not much heavier than yours.

I have talked with several AE guys. They all like their bikes. Your friend seems to be a perfect fit for the AE. The Yamaha shop in Florence SC, Yamaha Kawasaki of Florence, has an 2007 AE for $10500. Their website shows $12500, but the sticker hanging from the bike says $10500. If your friend is interested it might be worth a call.

Here's my .02 I have an 06 AE. Wasn't sure how I would like the no clutch but am getting used to it and actually kinda like it. By the way, not to insult your intelligence but it is NOT auto shift, just automatic clutch, you still have to shift.

* Should fit a 6'2" rider just fine there is a lot of info here with riders of that size.

*Good price? I ain't touching that one but I paid WAY less than that for an '06 with 15K and it looked new. I would think you could get a newer year model un-used or extremely low mileage for 12K.

*There are several issues/complaints/downers such as wind noise, stiff throttle spring, hard seat, riding position, jumpy throttle off idle,etc, etc. too much to go into in one reply you will have to check those out individually on this board. Spend a little more time researching the different subjects, there is lots of good info here.

* Smooth shifting? one would have to work at being rough

* Low speed maneuvers? a little practice and they are no more difficult than with a clutch. the learning curve is shallow, you can pretend you have a clutch until you get used to the fact that you don't, it's about that simple.

*Well it weighs 650 lbs. so it ain't light but it at least it isn't one of those 800 lb. Harley-davidson chrome....oops I'm digressing. Getting it off the centerstand is a piece of cake, getting it on is a little more difficult but I manage and I weigh in at 150 (albeit fairly stout and agile). A higher CG than some other bikes but very manageable.

Like I said, there is a lot of good info on this board, I think you need to keep researching, most of your questions are already answered, most of them in depth.


Like him, I had questions about mine ('06AE) before I wrote the check. Now I have no regrets, ...whatsoever.

Like any bike, smooth shifts take a little practice. My biggest peeve is with the grabby throttle, otherwise it's a great fit for me. I'm only 5'7" though. If he has problems, be aware that a tour around the site here and other places will yield a plethora of fixes to most everything.


...................... Does anybody else see the irony of someone who "is not a computer person" choosing an AE?
Excellent input. Very helpful! :dribble:

If I get you correctly .. my friend doesn't own a computer so why is he wanting an FJR AE? I don't understand? With that line

of thinking, perhaps it is ironic that he actually; has a car with automatic transmission, a remote control for his HD TV, microwave with flat panel push buttons ................. yada, yada, yada?

Just wondering? :rolleyes:

THANKS sincerely for everyone else ... I think ya'll have given me enough info to help him out. I'll definetely get him to call Yamaha Kawasaki of Florence - thanks for the tip. I'll do a little more searching for him on this forum. Although I don't own an FJR, the forum is great ...... I luv ya Wheaton (in a manly way, of course !!!!) even if you did try to hijack me!!

...................... Does anybody else see the irony of someone who "is not a computer person" choosing an AE?
Excellent input. Very helpful! :dribble:

If I get you correctly .. my friend doesn't own a computer so why is he wanting an FJR AE? I don't understand? With that line

of thinking, perhaps it is ironic that he actually; has a car with automatic transmission, a remote control for his HD TV, microwave with flat panel push buttons ................. yada, yada, yada?

Just wondering? :rolleyes:

THANKS sincerely for everyone else ... I think ya'll have given me enough info to help him out. I'll definetely get him to call Yamaha Kawasaki of Florence - thanks for the tip. I'll do a little more searching for him on this forum. Although I don't own an FJR, the forum is great ...... I luv ya Wheaton (in a manly way, of course !!!!) even if you did try to hijack me!!

I never admitted to being very helpful hvnbnd...just saw a little humor. Do hope yer friend gets what he wants in a cycle.

Love my '07 I don't think I would go back to a manual clutch. Like it was said before the shifting takes a little getting use to. I thought I was going to drop the drive shaft out of it the first time I rode one. Also I don't use my thumb, just the fore finger. I got tired of honking the horn so I just put my fore finger behind the up shift paddle and flick forward.

I had the same doubts about the AE last summer when I stoped in the Yamaha shop last spring with my beloved year old 06 Concours. I had been drooling over the FJR since I seen the first one and at $10,999 for a new 07 AE modle holdover it was good-by Concours. The bike is great and I can't imagine ever bothering to move my foot to shift again. The throttle can be a little abrupt so I had to install a G2 throttle tube to keep the wife from whinning about whiplash. Once you get used to it it shifts before you get a chance to think about it.

* Is $12,790 a good price for a new left-over 2006 model?
HELL NO. Especially in THIS economy, let alone 3 years depreciation when you leave the lot.

* Any issues/problems that are specific to the '06 AE model?
Yes, there was a recall on the electric clutch servo arm. You have to check the serial number and see if it qualifies for that and other recalls (ignition switch?).

Just to add a little to other posters.

I got my AS (as we call the AE this side of the pond) because I was finding it impossibly painful to use the clutch lever on my Trophy, so it was my only real choice to keep riding.

Got it new in '06, took me a while to get used to it, I now find normal riding to be made more pleasurable because of the ease of changing gear.

Changes are fast (unless you are silly, like up changes with a wide open throttle - would you do that on a conventional shift?), positive (never misses a change), smooth (can change mid corner under all but the most extreme conditions without unsettling the bike).

I have had a minor electrical glitch that didn't stop the bike ftom being ridden, was never resolved, but seems to have gone away (described here).

I have also had my clutch soaked in oil (it seems several owners of all FJRs have done this because the clutches were too dry from manufacture, both A and AE models - the clutches are the same on both).

The only area where there is a disadvantage is in low speed manoeuvering, where a slightly different technique is called for as compared with a conventional clutch. (With my hand I couldn't feather a normal clutch anyway!)

If it's of any interest I wrote up some of my early thoughts here.

Oh, and I just love the effective launch control, just select how fast you want to accelerate from rest by how far round you put the throttle. It can be a gentle tootle off, it can be a wheel-spin/wheely (depending on the tyre's grip), or anything in between. Your choice.

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I have owned an 06 & 08 AE. When I purchased my 06 I did not have any physical issues and was not a big fan of the AE. I crashed my 06 and spent a month in the hospital so I now have issues with my left foot so I purchased a new 08 AE because of these issues. I do not find any difference between the 06 & 08. The AE is a great bike and worth the extra $$$$ if you have physical issues. If your friend purchases an aftermarket windshield that should solve the wind issues. I have owned an 03, 06 & 08 they are a great bike with very few problems and they are a lot of fun to ride. He could probably find a nice used one at a good price.

Due to problems with his left hand, a friend of mine needs to find a bike with Electric shift. He can't bring himself to go with the Burgman since he said he is not a Scooter dude - yet! He's looked at Aprillia's new Nano but it just doesn't fit him - he's tall ( 6'-2" ). Doesn't want to go with a three-wheeler.
Since he is not a computer person, I told him I would check the FJR AE out for him. I've read most of the threads on the AE - or, at least the ones I can find ......... SEARCH function doesn't work with two letters "AE" !!

Would appreciate your help:

* How will it fit a rider 6'2" ??

* Is $12,790 a good price for a new left-over 2006 model?

* Any issues/problems that are specific to the '06 AE model?

* Any "downers" on the '06 FJR that might apply also to the AE model? (I've already read a lot of the "ups" on the FJR ... I'm just looking for anything my friend may need to look out for")

* Is smooth shifting a problem?

* What about slow speed manuvers?

* He's been riding bikes for 50 years .... any comments on the transition from clutch to AE; learning curve, etc.?

He's really not looking for the high speed performance comments since he likes to ride at a leisure pace. He does a lot of long distance travel ....... which he cannot do now because of his hand.

My only concern from what I've heard about the AE (or any FJR for that matter") is the weight. How hard is it to get off of the

center stand? Does weight play a part in slow speed manuvering?

Also, any other general comments will be helpful.

Thanks for your help.

Sam in Statesville, NC

Here is my 2 cents:

* How will it fit a rider 6'2" ?? It will fit him like a glove, thought he might want to get a bigger wind shield(whats new)!

* Is $12,790 a good price for a new left-over 2006 model? If it is brand new, 0 miles he should be able to get it for no more than $11,500, $12,790 is pricey! ]Edit: as FJRocket said, 3 year old model etc.etc. my $11,500 might be high! Sart dealing at $9990 ans work up but no more that $11,000 cause a lot of us in '06; if we did our home work bought our AE's for between $12,500 and $13,900.]

* Any issues/problems that are specific to the '06 AE model? There are a few safety recalls (see Bin-O-Facts) make sure that they have been done and documented (on a invoice/letterhead) by the dealer. Other than that this bike is bullet proof and well engineered.

* Any "downers" on the '06 FJR that might apply also to the AE model? (I've already read a lot of the "ups" on the FJR ... I'm just looking for anything my friend may need to look out for") I love mine, in fact I came off a Burgman. It is an awesome bike, heavy but awesome!

* Is smooth shifting a problem? Unless he gets a Burgman, there is nothing smoother! It up shifts faster and smoother that a human can, down shifting has a learning curve but it is a shallow one.

* What about slow speed maneuvers? Throttle, rear brake drag and off you go. I suggest about an hour in a parking lot doing some of the MSF course maneuvers to get the hang of it.

* He's been riding bikes for 50 years .... any comments on the transition from clutch to AE; learning curve, etc.? He will have no problem making the transition, he is still shifting with his left foot (if he wants too) and he is in complete control just like any other clutch levered bike

Hope this helps,


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Would appreciate your help:* How will it fit a rider 6'2" ?? Great, the longer the legs the better. I am a 33" inseam and use the seat in the high position and Bill Mayer made the seat a little taller. I am slightly on my toes at a stop, but due to arthritic knees, I wanted as much leg room as possible.

* Is $12,790 a good price for a new left-over 2006 model? No. It might be a reasonable price for a 2007. I paid $13K in November 2007.

* Any issues/problems that are specific to the '06 AE model? Not that I have seen mentioned.

* Any "downers" on the '06 FJR that might apply also to the AE model? (I've already read a lot of the "ups" on the FJR ... I'm just looking for anything my friend may need to look out for") No downers

* Is smooth shifting a problem? I did not plan to buy the AE but test drove a used one to see if I wanted to buy a new standard model. I never had such smooth shifts in my life (I guess that I am not a good clutcher, the AE computer is perfect). So, I immediately bought a new AE.

* What about slow speed manuvers? Difficult. There is always a chance of letting the revs drop so that the computer disengages the clutch in a U-turn. It takes practice which I have not done enough of. The trick is, instead of feathering the clutch (which the AE does not have), drag the rear brake so that you can keep the revs up. I am dreading the ERC course where they make you do a bunch of tight U-turns in both directions.

* He's been riding bikes for 50 years .... any comments on the transition from clutch to AE; learning curve, etc.? No learning curve beyond the slow speed stuff. I have never shifted so well.

My only concern from what I've heard about the AE (or any FJR for that matter") is the weight. How hard is it to get off of the

center stand? Maybe the best question is: How hard is it to get on the centerstand. Read the threads but I find that I need a slight uphill to easily get it on the centerstand but this makes it harder to get off the centerstand (but at lease then you are stradling the bike). Does weight play a part in slow speed manuvering? Yes.

Also, any other general comments will be helpful. I love the AE and would never go back to a clutch.
See replies above.

I saw a brand new '07 for $12,000 + all the crap during the holidays, so your friend should be able to beat the price he's been quoted if he just shops around a little. He won't be able to beat the bike. Anywhere. With anything. Period.

That's my $.02 and worth everything you paid for it. :thumbsupsmileyanim:
