AE Satisfaction?

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Picked up my 2007 AE with 1000, yes 1000 miles on it yesterday and just took it for it's maiden voyage with me this afternoon. I didn't even bother with the foot shifter. Dove right in with the finger shifter. Absolutely amazing. I was completely surprised. The best thing is the downshift. Soooo smooth. Can't wait to take it out again tomorrow.

". . . like any long time bike rider I have some apprehension about trying something new, such as the auto clutch version of the FJR."
I don't ride an AE--never have. My biggest (only, really) concern is not being able to bump start the bike. Guess you'd better carry some cables if you go with it. But I keep seeing how much the folks who bought them like them, so they must have something.

But your quote above makes me think of my father. He rode a Harley for the cops way back in the 40's and 50's, and he really LOVED it! After he left the bikes he'd always get one of the motorcycle cops working a ballgame or something to let him ride theirs around the parking lot. They were very polite and accommodating about it, and always told him "You bet, Captain. Sure you can." :) But when he came out to Cali for a visit some years ago and I offered to let him take my Suzuki cruiser for a ride, it was "I wouldn't feel comfortable trying to shift with my feet." Wouldn't try it.

How would you like to have to step on the clutch with your left foot and let go of the bars to grab that left-side shift lever he loved so much? I suppose you can get used to most anything.

I just got my 07 ae a week ago tommorow. I've put approx 200-300mi on it so far and love it.

It does have some quirks and jerky shifts at low speed. I notice if I'm accelerating pretty good I get smoother shifts. Of I'm going slow behind a car then I get bumpier shifts. I'm getting better at making those smoother though.

For me it's not too difficult to get used to. But I'm also coming from 2 almost 3 years of riding a scooter. So I'm used to the twist and go mentality. When I went looking I was really looking forward to getting a manual and clutch etc. I didn't really want the ae for various reasons, including getting crap for "not getting a real bike". The dealer did have a non ae in the shop getting its updates. So I could have waited for it. But it was black. And I really loved the blue/silver color. Also the factory heated grips. And the thought that on long rides or in town I wouldn't get the clutch fatigue.

I love it. For me the slow turns haven't been so bad. But again used to not having a clutch. Though it's a longer, heavier bike than my scooter by a couple hundred pounds or so (my scooter is a 400 and heavy for its size).

Ride it and see what you think. And don't let anyone tell you what is right for you or take any crap from them for having it. I stopped carrying what people thought of me probably 15 years ago at about 14-15... :)

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I just got my '08 AE at the end of March, my first FJR as well. Been riding for 28 years, all street, and on my '83 GSX750e for the last 22. My hands and wrists started getting sore after a short while, particularly my left wrist. Got the AE, bike was delivered, rolled it off of the trailer, rode immediately to the bank, and have absolutely loved it. I've put 3600 miles on since just riding locally. Still getting smoother and better. I use both the paddle and foot shifter. I find the foot shifter better for hard or fast shifting, like quick stops or hard acceleration. You must downshift and engine brake every gear, every time. It's not set up to downshift while stopped, it can, but is not efficient. The clutch freewheels at around 5mph or walking speed. It seems practically flawless in the execution and I understand from the forum that it is very durable. Absolutely LOVE mine!!

IMHO it was a sad day when Yamaha announced they were ending production of the AE.

Did Yamaha end production, or just stopped importing to the U.S. market? My impression was that they were still building and selling them in Europe. Has that changed?

I must say that reading this thread makes me wish I had found an AE last year. I like my A but with a problem left foot, the AE would be nice I think.


Like has been said it is nice in stop and go traffic. I love it more for the mountain riding (living 30 miles from the Sierra Nevada mountain range) mutiple down and up shifting and also getting started on an aggresive up hill. One less thing to worry about.

I don't ride an AE--never have. My biggest (only, really) concern is not being able to bump start the bike. Guess you'd better carry some cables if you go with it. But I keep seeing how much the folks who bought them like them, so they must have something.
Hopefully not a complete hijack here but can you bump start an FJR with a bad or low battery? Or any FI bike for that matter? I rode my buddies Atomic Coackroach (GS1200) and tha battery went flat. Bump starting was out of the question. Never happen. BMW has some sort of low vlotage cutout where the bike just goes dead if the battery is below some minimum voltage

Hopefully not a complete hijack here but can you bump start an FJR with a bad or low battery? Or any FI bike for that matter? I rode my buddies Atomic Coackroach (GS1200) and tha battery went flat. Bump starting was out of the question. Never happen. BMW has some sort of low vlotage cutout where the bike just goes dead if the battery is below some minimum voltage
No idea if there's some absolute threshold of battery deadness that can't be exceeded, but you sure can start a standard FJR when the battery is too low to start it by the normal pressing of the starter button, or way too low, for that matter. In fact, so low, in one instance, that after I got it going with a rolling start and rode it for a good half hour at freeway speed, it still wouldn't start again. My next stop was the battery shop. So yes.

Curious why "bump starting was out of the question." :unsure:

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Hopefully not a complete hijack here but can you bump start an FJR with a bad or low battery? Or any FI bike for that matter? I rode my buddies Atomic Coackroach (GS1200) and tha battery went flat. Bump starting was out of the question. Never happen. BMW has some sort of low vlotage cutout where the bike just goes dead if the battery is below some minimum voltage
No idea if there's some absolute threshold of battery deadness that can't be exceeded, but you sure can start a standard FJR when the battery is too low to start it by the normal pressing of the starter button, or way too low, for that matter. In fact, so low, in one instance, that after I got it going with a rolling start and rode it for a good half hour at freeway speed, it still wouldn't start again. My next stop was the battery shop. So yes.

Curious why "bump starting was out of the question." :unsure:
This part

Seems like my friend said it was around 11 volts, he asked the dealer after I gave it back why it wouldn't push start. I was at the top of Wildcat Canyon Rd. in Tilden Park so I had a lot of downhill to practice on with zero success.

If I could do it all over again, I'd damn sure get another AE. It completely spoils you.

In my case, it took just a few minutes to get comfortable with the finger shifter. You'll continue to get smoother for the first few thousand miles. For awhile I was using the foot shifter once every few months or so to see if it still works, but it's been 7-8 months now since I've tried it. It's so sweet to do the shifting at the handlebar.

I installed a homemade device that automatically enables the finger shifter upon engine start, so I don't have to remember to push that button.

Regarding the bump start stuff, I can count the number of times I've wanted to bump start a bike in the last 45 years on one finger, so it wasn't a concern for me.

Well I hope momayamma is paying attention to this thread so when the new 500lb, crossplane crank, 6speed FJR comes out there will be an AE version. :lol:

Regarding the bump start stuff, I can count the number of times I've wanted to bump start a bike in the last 45 years on one finger, so it wasn't a concern for me.
Ok, not true, but I've never managed to be able to bump start my bikes when I really needed to. And really, the only time I've had to try recently was when I went overboard and tried to use TWO pieces of heated gear on my FZ1. I don't imagine that'll tax the FJR enough for me to be concerned with bump starting.

Oh yea, and put me in the foot shifter category. I can't seem to break the habit. I'm really contemplating removing the triggers as that looks like perfect ram mount space being wasted.

Well I hope momayamma is paying attention to this thread so when the new 500lb, crossplane crank, 6speed FJR comes out there will be an AE version. :lol:
Oh I'm a hoping there will be an AE version. I never wanna go back to a hand job again. (yes, I'm a spoiled AE brat!)

Well I hope momayamma is paying attention to this thread so when the new 500lb, crossplane crank, 6speed FJR comes out there will be an AE version. :lol:
Oh I'm a hoping there will be an AE version. I never wanna go back to a hand job again. (yes, I'm a spoiled AE brat!)
Thanks to everyone for your input and opinions. I opted to go with an "A" model instead of the "AE". I'm a purest, what can I say?

Hopefully your forearms look like your avatar!!! :D

We AE folks have forearms more like Olive Oyl! :D

Well I hope momayamma is paying attention to this thread so when the new 500lb, crossplane crank, 6speed FJR comes out there will be an AE version. :lol:
Oh I'm a hoping there will be an AE version. I never wanna go back to a hand job again. (yes, I'm a spoiled AE brat!)
Thanks to everyone for your input and opinions. I opted to go with an "A" model instead of the "AE". I'm a purest, what can I say?
Congrats on the find, and not to worry the grin is the same on both models, it's only the price that somewhat varies.

My choice between the A -vs- AE was strictly about me being a cheap bastard! Lucky I also have no regrets. ;)

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