New member
Friday August 22nd we were to leave for the second Aerostich Very Boring Rally at 2pm. 8:30am I get the call, rider #4 is behind at work, and can't get away, so he's out(this doesn't come as a suprise)(did I mention that I paid for everyones ticket on my CC) we were down to three and I'm out $57.00. 9am I get the call Bro-in-law #2. After having his BMW R something or other in the shop for a week they determain that he has a bad Hall Sensor, and of course they don't have one on hand. Not a quitter, Bro-in-law #2 starts calling around, lucky for us a shop 70 mi (70 mi from me 100 from him)away has one. So I load up my one year old little girl and a-parta- finding we go. We get to the shop around 11am, a cool shop for being in the middle of BFE. We head to the parts dept cash in hand. "we are here to pick up the hall sensor you have on hold for us" "one moment while I run back and get it". Well ONE MOMENT turned to 5 mins and then 10 mins. Finally one of the service guys had the balls to step up and "well sir it looks like whom ever took the call didn't check the physical inventory when they told you we had the part... Ever get so pissed off that you can't speak, well I was. Instead of saying or doing anything I just picked up my baby and walked away. Just as I was walking out the door, a kid stopped me and said he overheard what had happened, and he called another shop that was about 150 mi away and the guy had a used one, that he would sell me. He gave me the guys # smiled and left. I wasn't sure if I was willing to travel that far for a part, but a phone call just to make sure he actually had it wouldn't hurt. I make the call and yes he had the part in hand and it just so happens he is heading to Duluth that eve( Gee, Aerostich is having a rally in Duluth) and would be willing to meet up with me on his way. We agree to meet at 5pm at this great little wine bar in my neighborhood ( It just happens to be the one we own ). He and his lady friend show up ,rite on time, we exchange cash and parts, I buy them a couple of beers and dinner for going out of there way, and they are off(we later met up with them at the rally and have a few more beers). I tuck the, way over priced, BMW part into my one piece Aerostich suit, jump on my FJR and head to stillwater for a lesson on why I don't own a BMW. Midnight we finally get everything back together, turn the key and nothing. Feeling defeated we call it a night and agree to try again in the am. 630am we determain that the BMW dealership was wrong about the hall sensor, its ta bad coil. 9am no one has coil for that bike in the twin cities. Bro-in-law #2 is out(I'm now out $114.00). 930am Bro-in-law #1 calls to tell me his CBR 1000 is running like crap and he isn't sure he trusts it for the ride. After a few threats from me, he is in.... We leave at 11am Sat. morning, me on my perfectly tuned 2006 FJR, and my Bro-in-law #1 on his CBR 1000 running like crap. After all was said and done, I learned that no matter how hard it is to get out on rides, as soon as you are out NOTHING ELSE MATTERS....By the way the rally was awesome.....