Aerostitch Bluetooth Wireless Communicator

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If a B/T phone can talk to a Motorola headset or a Scala helmet-set, why does it need to be WIRED to the Chatterbox?  That makes no f***in' sense.

Probably for the same reason that the all-wired audio controllers do: so that it can turn off the music when the phone rings.

In your current setup, the phone is associated with the helmet. In this setup, the chatterbox box is associated with the helmet. I think what you're saying is that you want there to be an association between the chatterbox and the phone then between the chatterbox and the helmet. That would mean that the chatterbox would need to support two simultaneous streams of data to two different recipients. I'm not sure that the radios support that. In addition, I'm not sure how frequency diverse bluetooth is, would the two streams interfere with each other? And then there would be the issue of compatability. They'd have to test the chatterbox with all kinds of bluetooth phones. Or they could just insist on the wire. ;-)


I don't see why that should be true. My IPAQ is B/T and a cell phone. I have NO problem using my B/T GPS with it at the same time I'm using a a B/T head-set. That's one device using two BlueTooth accessories simultaneously.

As for AutoCom--I spent a TON of money on an AutoCrap, and the ONLY position where the sound was any good was with the "earspeakers" pressed against my ears in a fashion so painful the Spanish Inquisition would have taken bids on it. I hated everything about the system and sold it on eBay for a $200+ loss--and was glad to be rid of it. It didn't even work with my cellphone though they swore it would before I bought it--their (typical) answer was "get a different cell phone!" Since it attaches to my car's whole audio system, that wasn't an option. Much cheaper to replace the AutoCrap!

Plus, when I dealt with AutoCrap, they were REEKING with 'tude. They were like a shoe saleman who says "If your feet won't fit in our shoes, have your toes amputated. Our shoes are WORTH it!"

I wouldn't piss on AutoCrap if they were on fire!

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Goodness. I was ready to call and order my Autocom setup. I know it is possible for folks to have varying experiences with the same products. I admit that I would like a wireless system, but I am not willing to spend the money on what seems viable now. I would like some music and intercom now, but REALLY want wireless. I guess I am doomed to wait or be wired. :sad2:
