The bags should be OK. The rear bag reflector is actually another sacrificial rash protector.
Your 'slider' is really just a tip-over guard. The bottom of the stator cover can hit the ground as well as the forward point of the fairing by the headlights and the mirrors. On a simple tip-over the mirrors can hit hard enough to break the front cowling's metal frame. Sometimes ya get lucky and the mirrors fold up and there is little to no scratching, other times you can catch it just wrong and the mirrors will really rash up and the front frame stay will break.
Borrowed photos showing the need for Tech Spec fairing protection:
Your 'slider' is really just a tip-over guard. The bottom of the stator cover can hit the ground as well as the forward point of the fairing by the headlights and the mirrors. On a simple tip-over the mirrors can hit hard enough to break the front cowling's metal frame. Sometimes ya get lucky and the mirrors fold up and there is little to no scratching, other times you can catch it just wrong and the mirrors will really rash up and the front frame stay will break.
Borrowed photos showing the need for Tech Spec fairing protection:
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