Alan Wilson, wow... Anyone have the full story?

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Fred W

1 Wheel Drive
FJR Supporter
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
Eastern VT
2 years ago for Xmas, my eldest daughter thought it would be pretty cool to give me a special turntable with a digital USB output, so that I could digitize my modest vinyl music collection from the 60's and 70's. Once CD's came out in the late 1980's I was quick to abandon the old analog recording media, but I still took care of my few old disks and they remained in the "archive."

Well, due to the ****** weather and a need to entertain, I broke out her generous gift and started taking out the old records to get them digitized and re-recorded on CDs. It is an enjoyable pass-time, especially when accompanied by a nice fire in the fireplace and a glass of (not too) cheap wine.

So last night I got to the "C" section (no baby delivery jokes please) and spun up my old "Best of Canned Heat" diskj. It was all quite good and enjoyable until I came to the first song on side 2 and the song "On the Road Again." I literally got the chills up my spine at both the haunting music and lyrics, both of which I obviously knew quite well, but had forgotten somehow. I know that you've all probably heard this song and paid it no particular attention. But for some reason it struck me hard last night.

And I wondered about these artists, and what has become of them. They produced some damn good sounds, IMO, for such a short time. .

Naturally, I thought that a group with as many old fookkers as this one has would have the inside line on Wilson and Canned Heat. I think they were pretty short lived, but as Neil said, it's better to burn out than to fade away.

So what you got?

YouTube audio ref:

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ODOT, paging odot, to the microphone please.... Oh wait, you were just pupped in an igloo when that group was playing Monterey.

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This is scary. I remember exactly where I was when that became a hit in the UK.

Possibly because I owned a cafe'd Honda 250 Dream Super Sport at the time and spent many Saturdays listening to the radio while I rebuilt the motor. When it ran, it was a Triumph killer.

BTW Wilson died in Topanga Canyon, California of a drug overdose at age 27.

Old Al.

Alan Wilson was ill for quite some time before his passing. Simply said he knew the end was near. John Lee Hooker said he was the finest harp player he ever heard. Take alittle time with the album "Hooker & Heat" . You'll here John talking about Alan's playing. There is one entire side of the triple sided LP with Hooker and Wilson playing together. It is amazing.

Or, perhaps the older 'n dirt 'Howie would like to weigh in, being a radio personality and all...
Only thing I know about "Canned Heat" is what I read at WIki...(thanks, Fred!)

Although I did play their music a lot during my "formative" radio years.

Fred, I thank you for bringing this to my attention. Good stuff. I actually own a couple of harmonicas but have no musical talent. In fact I can barely play the radio correctly, much less any musical instrument. Knowing something about what is required for that level of harmonica playing made me really appreciate that performance.

No, not on the bottle, Skoots. As I said, I only rediscovered this music because I was digitally ripping my old vinyls, and although I owned a couple of their albums I hadn't previously appreciated just how good the harp playing was on it. I had to google up who was even in the band. Back when I bought those albums there was no intarwebs, no easy way to find out more about bands, etc.

Thanks to those who gave me some leads to follow.

Most people were introduced to that song through the movie Roadhouse with Patrick Swazey. It was the theme.

Watching Patrick Swazey movies? Time to turn in your man card, Bob.

I know, you were just watching it 'cause your wife brought it home.
The movie came out in 1989. It is more of a guy movie than a lot of the rest of his movies. Besides, Sam Elliot was in it too and it highlighted the Jeff Healy band. Oh and I spelled his name wrong. It is Swayze. Dirty Dancing? well that is whole other story...

Dirty Dancing? well that is whole other story...
Come outta the closet, Bob.

We all know that your two favorite movies are Dirty Dancing and Yentl.

You shouldn't drink at FJR rallies. You tend to give out WAYYYY too much information after a few...
