Alaskan Adventure

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L.A. to Alaska! And back! A great adventure and it's just really beginning. Watch out for bears on the road! And keep filing those reports.

OK, I waved at you guys as you left the Standard in Trinidad on July 23rd. I recognized the C14 riding with the FJR. We both passed each other a thumbs up. My buddy was on a blue RS. You guys both headed north. Musta been around 10:30 in the AM. Thought you guys were part of the WFO - 9 Rally group. Bravo on your long trip, distance is good for the lebido and it keeps the pencil sharp!

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I must object to Rhode Island claiming all this additional territory.

Now stop it. :angry:

You know that Chicago's already got dibs.



I would hate to miss part of your report.

You DO know you double posted the Vancouver Rhode Island section?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Damn, I wish I had a friend named "Dark Meat Snack."

Frenchie, great report, great reading.
here's my beloved CMA bud Robert <with the sunglasses perched on top of head on left>

in our circle, he's always gone by "Dirty White Boy" or Dirty for short


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After a few days of glacier peeping, Hyderizing, bear chasing, eagle shooting fun,

we slept in a bunkhouse, slept in the middle of the Cassiar, drove through a forest fire moonscape and pushed hard to Whitehorse. All us good, Alaska tomorrow (again) then a simple 4000 mile commute home.

More to come...

After a few days of glacier peeping, Hyderizing, bear chasing, eagle shooting fun,

we slept in a bunkhouse, slept in the middle of the Cassiar, drove through a forest fire moonscape and pushed hard to Whitehorse. All is good, Alaska tomorrow (again) then a simple 4000 mile commute home.

More to come...

So far this has to be one of the best RR's i've read! :yahoo: How did I miss this one for a week?

And this is priceless.


Terrorist post whores. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I look forward to more adventures in Alaska and the quick commute home.

Ride safe guys.

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The Internet has been mostly nonexitent, as has cell service.

It's been great!

The only thing that really hasn't been so great is the SPOT tracker. It quit tracking at some point near Jasper. A frustrating hour long toll free land li

call (when was the last time you used a phone with a CORD??) yielded no result, save for the SPOT tech admitting the newest incarnation of the SPOT tracker, in his own words, "pretty much sucks."


We're in Tonopah, NV right now, with a few hundred more miles to the end, which is good because the Macallan supply ran out days ago.

Back to reality (work. Ugh.) on Saturday, which will at least give me a chance to sort through the thousands of pictures and write up the rest of the Best Trip Ever!!

Stay tuned...

Alaskan Adventure - Sailin' Away

It's dark. It's cold. We're groggy, but awake. After yesterday's blitz ride through the northern bits of Vancouver Rhode Island to Port Hardy, it's finally time to get this trip started.


When I had my pre-ride Map-kin strategizing session, which admittedly lasted about ten minutes, I noticed there were two choices to reach Alaska from Vancouver Rhode Island. One was to take a ferry from the town of Nanaimo to the city of Vancouver and ride north. Not a bad way to go, if you want to be honest when you say you 'rode to Alaska' because that would involve the most actual roads. The second, more appealing option was to take a ferry from Port Hardy to Prince Rupert in British Columbia. This would avoid a lot of boring roads, let us cross an 'Inside Passage' cruise off the bucket list, and plop us right down at the start of all the really good stuff.

The choice is clear. Pure honesty is out, and we're still 'Riding to Alaska' just some of it is riding on a boat. Whatever.


M.V. Northern Expedition

It's 6 AM, and faced with a full day to do nothing but float around looking at scenery, read my book, and goof off hanging out with my beautiful girlfriend (and of course Dark Meat Snack) it's already the Best Day Ever. To sweeten the deal even further, we pool all our Loonies and rent a private cabin, complete with a shower, beds and a TV.

Speaking of Loonies, we've only been in Canada for a day, and already I have a pocket full of change that weighs several metric tons.


This is Canadian money, which is similar to real money. However, instead of bills, these crafty Canadians use coins for dollars. The gold coins, worth a dollar, are called Loonies. The two-toned coins, worth, you guessed it... two dollars, are called... wait for it... Twonies!! Ha! I guarantee there are Canadians that have change jars worth several million dollars. On board the M.V. Frenchy Expedition, we spend the rest of our loose Loonies and Twonies on beer and sandwiches.



And the scenery? Well, I have to say it's probably the best value for the Loonie, and we all agree taking the ship beat riding, at least for that day.








And on and on and on it goes. We relax. We smoke cigars. We watch things jumping out of the ocean.


We cheer for little boats pulling big things behind them.



We nap. We laugh. We eat.


We do a whole lot of nothing, and completely enjoy all there is to enjoy on this restful interlude.


At 10:30 PM the ship shudders, slows, and the announcement crackles throughout the cabin. "Ahoy, maties! Please prepare to disembark. Drivers, report to your vehicles at this time."


First View of Prince Rupert

The race is on, and I want to win. Rain Cloud Follows deboats the ferry second, just after a BMW F800 and before a car with a gigantic, weird looking fan attached to the back of it. Not bad really, since in my book second place isn't first loser, it's the vice-winner!

Exhausted from his long day of resting, lounging and relaxing, Dark Meat Snack immediately disappears to his hotel room to call the wife, while Sleeping Beauty and I enjoy the finest nightlife that Prince Rupert has to offer; watching the locals tear up the dance floor while a Canadian power trio band plays all my favorite hits from the Eighties. I consult the rulebook to see if it is permissible to toast the Best Day Ever twice.

Hooray! It is not only permissible, it is encouraged!

Fiona and I hang with the dancing locals as long as we can, blissfully unaware that the very next day the entire ride is about to go up in flames.

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