Almost got hit on my 5 mile ride home

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Dec 7, 2008
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The first one was a stereotypical car stops at a stopsign, driver talks to the passenger, and starts to turn right without ever having looked right. I could've been a 747 and they wouldn't have known I was there. Luckily I was RIGHT in front of the car when it started to edge forwards so I was past it by the time it slammed on it's brakes and noticed me.

The second one REALLY pissed me off. The car behind me was following me on a side road. 25 mph limit, I was going 35 mph like usual. I put on my left blinker and start to slow down to make a left onto the road I live on. I check my rear view mirror like usual to make sure the car notices I'm slowing down. Yup. They noticed. And reacted by slamming on the ACCELERATOR and swerving to go around me ON MY LEFT! The same side my blinker is on and in the space where, had I not checked my mirror, I would currently be occupying turning left. I was/still am fucking pissed. Flipped them off as they sped past at about 40 and swerved back into the right side, and almost ALMOST ALMOST chased them down in on the bike hoping they pulled over so I could take my helmet off and use it to smash a few windows.

And the best part is, I don't feel bad at ALL for contemplating that. It was damned dangerous what they did. Keeps reinforcing the thought that I need to keep baseballs in a tank bag so I can throw them through windows of drivers that BLATENTLY put others in danger like this one.

I guess my modulating headlights, bright yellow fullsleeve jacket, bright orange milspec reflective vest, and red helmet aren't enough to tell other drivers, "Hey. I'm riding here."


Unfortunately, thats just the way it is. You,ve got to be several times more diligent about what the other cars are doing when you,re on a bike

Not long ago I had a car load of teens pull out in front of me and "freeze" leaving me and the wife with no place to go...thank goodness for the ABS brakes. They looked pretty scared and remorseful so no followup was necessary.

On the other hand, I live on a busy two-way residential street that has a speed limit of 20mph. There is no line to separate the vehicle direction like most. I had the same experience as you "in my frickin' car" and it continues to happen to either the wife or me about once per year. I'm not sure how screwed up you've got to be to go around a vehicle on the same side that they are turning. I've gotten to the point that I favor the side I'm turning to, especially if going left. I know that crossing into the left lane is probably not exactly correct, but in a residential area with parked cars on both sides it's probably a better choice than getting "T-boned" from behind as they pass you on the turning side. Oh ya, I always check to make sure my turn lamp is visible and working too after an incident like that.

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I would be pretty PO'd too.

Glad you're OK no harm, but a huge foul. I'm really glad you were on your A-game with knowing your surroundings. That type of riding keeps you (us) alive... longer. :D

Keep that sense of alertness up at all times. ;)

**EDIT** Your post prompted me to write this from the other day. Clicky.

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Keeps reinforcing the thought that I need to keep baseballs billiard balls in a tank bag so I can throw them through windows of drivers that BLATENTLY put others in danger like this one.
Fixed if for ya.

I hear you there...this morning I was riding into work on a city street. I have the green light and some ass on one of the side streets (they have a red light) does his best imitation of a California roll, doesn't stop and rolls into my lane. I lay on the horn and must have scared the shit out of him because he immediately pulls over and as I ride by I say WTF!!! :****:

Yeah. I've calmed down from then. I have the same road as FJRScorpion (no center line). Unfortunately my left turn is at the peak of a hill and I can't see the other side so I tend to favor the right of the road in case someone comes up the OTHER side in the middle of the road not wondering what's over the hill. I guess I'll just have to figure it out and just be on my toes everytime my turn comes.


I hear you there...this morning I was riding into work on a city street. I have the green light and some ass on one of the side streets (they have a red light) does his best imitation of a California UTAH roll, doesn't stop and rolls into my lane. I lay on the horn and must have scared the shit out of him because he immediately pulls over and as I ride by I say WTF!!! :****:
There, I fixed this one too. I thought the "roll through" started here in UT?? AND if the first car stops, the second one doesn't have to!! I've almost "bit it" several times with that scenario, mad enough to chase people down and query if they know how a 4 way stop works!

I hear you there...this morning I was riding into work on a city street. I have the green light and some ass on one of the side streets (they have a red light) does his best imitation of a California UTAH roll, doesn't stop and rolls into my lane. I lay on the horn and must have scared the shit out of him because he immediately pulls over and as I ride by I say WTF!!! :****:
There, I fixed this one too. I thought the "roll through" started here in UT?? AND if the first car stops, the second one doesn't have to!! I've almost "bit it" several times with that scenario, mad enough to chase people down and query if they know how a 4 way stop works!
Bob...amen brother B) Maybe before obtaining a drivers license, these tools should have to take a motorcycle safety course to learn that there are others on the road.

This is why I drive looking behind me almost as much as looking forward. We have to stay aware of every thing going on around us at every second.

I think it's helpful to remember that something like 10% of drivers are mentally ill in a clinical sense, that a bunch more are sociopaths and criminals , many more are just plain stupid, and that leaves very few who are going to behave as tidily and rationally as we would like.

That's the world we live in. Getting mad is human nature, but we choose to ride in the world I described above, which we have full knowledge of, so any of us who can't help but be angry all the time should hang up the gloves.

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I have a very large collection of 3/4 inch steel balls, yes I am one of the mentally ill, that would travel very nice in a tank bag. Any one else need some? Even if you crash they would be stuck to the bottom of the bag. Always good to know where your ammo is!!

As for accidents, not stupid drivers, I have always professed that it takes TWO drivers not paying attention to cause an accident. I'm sure my children are well beyond hearing this but it is indeed the truth. Thank goodness for others paying attention and avoiding my dumb ass as I have returned the favor many times myself.

I am never happier than when on a motorcycle but on the same note, I am never more alert than when riding.

Jerry T

I guess my modulating headlights, bright yellow fullsleeve jacket, bright orange milspec reflective vest, and red helmet aren't enough to tell other drivers, "Hey. I'm riding here."
Like a friend of mine says "You can be 8 feet wide, 10 feet tall, flashing red and blue lights, with 105db siren and painted fire engine red ('cause you're a fucking FIRE ENGINE!) and people still don't see you"

My airhorns are in a toggle-on/toggle-off setup, where you hit the horn button and they stay on until you hit it again, because I need both hands free to deal with dodging the dipshits.

I also have highbeams-on ALL the time. The incidence of people pulling out on me dropped a LOT after that.

One thing I do on left turns is to use hand signal as well as blinkers. It's so out of the ordinary that it's attention grabbing. That's still not to excuse the drivers lack of common sense.

I think it's helpful to remember that something like 10% of drivers are mentally ill in a clinical sense, that a bunch more are sociopaths and criminals , many more are just plain stupid, and that leaves very few who are going to behave as tidily and rationally as we would like.

That's the world we live in. Getting mad is human nature, but we choose to ride in the world I described above, which we have full knowledge of, so any of us who can't help but be angry all the time should hang up the gloves.

Once again, I am in agreement with the esteemed JB. A percentage of drivers fall cleanly into the WTF? category. That is the only term that be be used to described what they just did. Sure, you can predict certain misbehaviors by drivers but there are always those whose antics will amuse and amaze you. Was there ever a time when turning right from the far left lane was just not done? Or the U-turn from the far right lane, when all the other lanes are occupied.

They're out there folks. And you can be dressed up like a fire-truck, or even BE a fire-truck going code 3 and they won't see you.

Our mission is to outsmart them, and ride safely.
