Almost Lost My FJR Today

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
Albany, NY
A word to the wise,don't talk **** to your buddies that own a demolition company.. cause they just don't care..


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:trinibob: :trinibob: I don't care if they were "friends" if that were my bike the operator wouldn't be in that thing for very long!!! :trinibob: :trinibob: :trinibob: :trinibob:
Who was it looking for a simple garage bike lift? I think this one would suit thier needs!

hope he is available when I change my front tire and grease my steering head bearings. All that is needed is a rope to suspend the bike . great pic and a lot of humor :assasin: :assasin: :assasin:

weekend rider
