Am I wrong

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Why yes, I am a Smart ASS
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
Alabaster, AL
A friend of mine is going through an on again off again divorce. Oh Hell lets face it Its all ON and he does not want to see it. She doesn't come home, told him to leave for a week, asked him to move out. tranfered all of there credit card debt to one card (the one in His name) etc, about the only way she could dis-respect him any more would be to bring a guy home and Fu%# him in their bed in front of him. He comes home from the week away and finds a roomate (girl) moved into his childrens room and she is getting an appraisal done on the house this week. This bitch would have been out on her ass a long time ago if it were me. Today he said, " I know, its ALMOST inevitable I'm getting a divorce." I get so pissed at him. He thinks there is still a shread of hope. Am I wrong to try to beat reality into him? he doesn't want to FILE, he wants her to do it. I tell him do it and be done with it. Why drag it out. Get on with both of your lives and put her in the past. I get tired of hearing the LAST RAY OF HOPE is still here. I'm not treating him no-place near as bad as the bitch, but I am ever so blunt in the fact that his marrage is over and he should get a lawyer and move on and wipe her ass up because she is playing dirty.

If it's as bad as you say, he should definitely be protecting his assets... and making plans for the "post" living needs...

Sounds like she'll do well, especially if she works his shreds of hope and lack of self esteem to her advantage. He needs a gladiator QUICK!

He's F**ked!

Tell him to start looking into getting food stamps because he will have nothing left!

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He's F**ked!
Tell him to start looking into getting food stamps because he will have nothing left!

Which begs the question: Why do we even get married in the first place? :dntknw:

[SIZE=8pt]*Sits back, cracks a long neck, a fresh bag of Ruffles Original and a tub-o-sour cream and onion dip...*[/SIZE]

The debt is half his and half hers. It doesn't matter what name is on the card. Get a divorce, sell the house, take have the assets and half the bills, and since roomates take precendence over kids in her eyes, get as much custody as possible. It sounds like she's willing to get another equity loan on the house, undoubtedly to buy her next place. Divorce her quick.

Should you be mean? Tell him the hard truth and tell him that if there was a way to slap him so that he saw it more clearly, you would surely do it. He'll thank you in years to come.

The debt is half his and half hers. It doesn't matter what name is on the card. Get a divorce, sell the house, take have the assets and half the bills, and since roomates take precendence over kids in her eyes, get as much custody as possible. It sounds like she's willing to get another equity loan on the house, undoubtedly to buy her next place. Divorce her quick.
Thats what I think he is slowly realizing

Should you be mean? Tell him the hard truth and tell him that if there was a way to slap him so that he saw it more clearly, you would surely do it. He'll thank you in years to come.

You know, at this point I think its beyond slapping, I am ready to MOI-THAI kickbox a knee into his face.

I have made it one of the rules of life to NEVER get involved in other peoples domestic problems. it is a good way to lose friends and end up getting blamed for the original problem.

Some people cannot be helped.

Some people have no self esteem.

Some people don't listen to advice.

You friend seem to fit into all of that. It's up to you how good of a friend or how far you go.

Everyone is different and needs help in different ways. He definitely needs help.

Either walk away, wait to pick him up, or smack some sense into him.

We've all been in similar situations with friends. It's his life and you can't live it for him. He's made and continues to make his choices, even if they aren't what you or I would do. Back off and help when he asks for it, not when you think he needs it.

as someone who is going through a divorce right now I can relate. Wife filed on me.

The debts belong to both of them no matter whose name is on the credit cards or whatever. She can't sell the house or divide property until the divorce is final.

Get a lawyer and get on with life. She is not wanting him any more so why should he want to try to stay with her?

If your friends cannot comment truthfully while still supporting you, then what are they other than acquaintances? Too many blind eyes are turned in an effort to avoid the pitfalls of perceived conflict. I can't think of a friend that I've lost by being honest. I can remember a few acquaintances I've lost by telling them the truth, but I cannot remember their names so...

Sounds like she'll do well, especially if she works his shreds of hope and lack of self esteem to her advantage. He needs a gladiator QUICK!
Glad `e ate `er?
Just gotta admire a guy who always reads something else into take....take her.....busy intersection....big truck....push....gees (did I spell that on here)....Oops....that's all ;) ....

I keep my advice to these poor soles is to the point....and still most don't follow it.....And that is.....GET A LAWYER, and give him full power to act on you behalf regarding the division of the assests etc...

Then you can tell your spouse in a honestly way that the reason you got a lawyer wasn't to be mean, but just to make sure get want the law says your entitled to,,,nothing more...,,and that's the truth...

I've found, The worse marriage is easier to endure than the best divorce...


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