AMA weekend at Barber (Now with event Pics added!)

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After my crash, which prevented me from already being there as previously planned, I think I'm going up Friday after work, or early Saturday to be there mid-day. Stay through Monday morning. So far I'm still working the racing Sunday, so after I (hopefully) meet everybody Saturday you can find my station Sunday and heckle us.

The bike is loaded and the wife is on the way home from work. We'll be leaving Austin in half an hour or so. We'll be at the Saturday race, can't wait to hear those bikes scream!


I am going to Barber also. What corner does everyone hang out on?
We usually "home base" on the hill overlooking the back straight, about the middle of the straight at Tram Stop #3, just past the Fan Zone. Reminder... D&H will have a tent set up for FJR pilots in the fan zone. I'm not going to get there early enough Friday to claim space with a tarp. I know some of the guys are staying at 29Dreams... you guys having breakfast there Saturday morning? Depending on what time, I may be game. Saturday morning practice is 8:30 to 9:30, Superbike qualifying is 9:30 to 11:00.
A quick question..All you FJR folk gonna be hanging around the same place you watched from last year? I just found out a friends buddy backed out and I'm getting the tickets! So headed down Thursday morning from Dayton,O. Staying at the Oak Mountain State Park. Hope to catch up with you folks I met last year. See you at Barber!
The D and H Cycle Hospitality event is to be in the "Fan Zone" which is a concession area located behind the "back straight" which runs from the museum down to a kink followed by a right hand corner and is across from the multi-story press and race control center where the starting line is located.

It should be a great opportunity to meet some super FJR folks along with the owners of D and H Cycle, Gerald and Renaa Hopper.

I made it, but I never found anybody. I had a contact number for Nocage but lost it when I stupidly deleted some PMs, so not having met anybody yet, I had no way of finding anyone.

I got up Saturday morning pre-dawn, found it raining. Looked at the radar, it we were just inside the trailing edge of the squall line, and it was clear behind it. I slowed down my preparation and left a few minutes later, although I packed the bike in the rain.

Got to the track just before noon, by the time I picked up credentials and parked the bike in one of the fanzone lots, I got to the D&H tent to find it pretty much empty. They had dogs left, no burgers, so I had a coupla dogs. I wandered, took some pictures, embarrassed myself by calling out "Anybody here FJRFORUM?" a couple of places on the hillside.

Gave up and pulled the camera out, took some shots along the back straight, then moved around to the hill overlooking turns 1 and 2. Met my brother afterwards and headed for the campsite at 29 Dreams. If anybody was there and was annoyed by the guys at the back, on the Hawk's Nest area, that was us. Sorry! Personally I was quite well-behaved. Actually, I wasn't even there most of the night, and to run to Wal-Mart as I'd forgotten my warm sweatshirt for sleeping! When I got back I took some campfire shots experimenting with the D50 I'm thinking of buying from a friend, ended up with better shots using my Sony point-and-shoot. (That's not because it's a better camera, it's because I know how to use it.)

Along Hwy 25 to 29Dreams saw some dust on the roadside where someone apparently had been down, and the next morning saw where something else bad had happened, skid marks of a car spinning across the road. I made it through safe and sound every time through the road this time! No crashing, yay!

Worked Sunday at the flagging station just inside the track from the pit entrance, riders are making a downhill right before the left onto the front straight. Got some good pics there, the station is right against the course. After Sunday's work, my brother and I headed to 29 Dreams to break my campsite (his had to come down that morning to go back on the truck the group brought up from Pensacola) and headed for his friend's house in Gardendale. Came home today.

So. Pictures. Sorry if you're dial-up, I haven't had a chance to resize to smaller. I've cropped and sized these to my screen-saver-slideshow size. When I get a minute I'll make reduced copies and link to those.

Saturday, interesting stuff in the bike parking areas:


Anybody we know? Left a bunch of stuff lying on the bike, I actully had the nerve to borrow some sunscreen. . .




Just a couple of shots during qualifying sessions on the back straight. I have a 55-200mm lens, and these were still quite far away, only these two out of 30 or so were useful.



Moved to the turn 1 hill, did better. Was here for Superbike Race 1 and the Formula Extreme race.

I tried a few shots to get a "wave" effect of different leans going into the turn, these are the best.



Almost looks riderless:



Honda teammates had it out for a bit:




Formula Extreme start: Damn, that's a lot of bikes!


More Honda teammates:



DUCATI !!!!!!1111!!1!!!!111!!


Spotted on the way out:


Sunday's pics, morning warmups. There were sessions for superbike, supersport, and superstock.

I was pushing the limit for shutter speed, mostly using 1/250th to keep a bit of motion blue in the wheels. (My AHRMA pics with my film camera were "frozen" because I'd stupidly taken 800-speed film, and frozon race pics are boring!!!) Anyway, if your pan doesn't pace the bike you don't get a good picture. Which bike was I following in this one?





My cohorts attempting to assist a Supersport rider after he lost the front end. He walked into the pit lane, leaving us to deal with it.


More Supersport and Superstock pics:





These are the first and second-place bikes in the Red Bull Rookie Cup, riding KTM 125s. They were like this the entire race, and pulling away from the field. Most of these kids aren't old enough to ride on the street!


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Barber's hot air balloon carrying the flag up after the National Anthem:


Races for Superstock, Supersports, and Superbike race 2:







Tell me again why they call him "Elbows?"




Home safe just in time for supper! Bike has tent, chair, sleeping bag, three stuffed hard bags, and a pressurized (stuffed to bursting) tank bag.


If interested, complete picture page is here.

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I made it, but I never found anybody. I had a contact number for Nocage but lost it when I stupidly deleted some PMs, so not having met anybody yet, I had no way of finding anyone.
Same here Wfooshee. It was odd, there were more FJR's than at any race before, but didn't meet up with anyone except a guy that rode up from Texas that I parked next to. I got to the D&H tent a little before noon, got a burger and chatted with Jerol, Renaee and Nick (the tech.) for a while. I have a FJR hat that I should've worn... I probably walked right past several forum members. The Superbike class is getting boring with Mladin and Spies being so much better than everyone else. When Spies low-sided in the first or second lap in the Saturday race, I turned to my brother and told him, "race over". You took some really good pics, thanks for posting.
I TIVO'ed both races from Speed channel. They had one angle that kept showing a corner worker with a camera. Was that you? :D


Thanks for the pics.

All day Saturday there were several of us sitting at the "Yamaha" picnic tables that were located near the track in front of the D & H tent.

Yes, there were more FJRs there than ever. I noticed multiple bikes from Fla and one from SC parked near me in the fan zone.

I have made it since the track opened, but could not be there this year.

Great Pictures. Thanks for sharing them.

These were my first use of a used Nikon D50 I'm picking up from a co-worker. It was set a stop dark on exposure compensation, which I didn't catch until I uploaded the pics when I got home, so ALL of them had a bit of level adjustment in Photoshop, as well as the usual sizing and cropping.

Digital SLR rocks, man!!!!

And shooting from an area the public can't get to is kinda sweet, too.

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