An apology to all of the Subie owners/enthusiasts out there.

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My nerd comment was really directed toward the irresponsible, careless nerd genre in general, but in my effort to keep that post short, I botched it up pretty good. Sorry!
Wow. I can't believe you went off and just insulted the NERDS like this. They're just quietly sitting up there, some with new bikes, just waiting for riding season to fully bloom and BAM, you go and post this. You're so . . . so . . . insensitive! Brute!


Fookin apologies. WTH! This is the FJRForum...are you trying to ruin it?

If someone almost runs your kid head on, give it to em with both barrels and don't care if some sprays wide. Cocksuckers like that give their ilk a bad name and deserve a beat down!

Also, as I've heard, the dragon is also full of morons on motorcycles as well.
ALL semi truck drivers on the dragon ARE morons though. I can confidently say that one.
This is absolutely true! I apologize again for leaving that special group of morons out of this. The difference imo is that 600 or so lbs. of out of control motorcycle with moron rider on board is much less of a threat to the lives of cagers in 3000+ lbs vehicles. The other way around though, a moron in cage out of control is much more likely to be a life threatening event to the motorcycle rider.

Social responsibility, a concept the entitlement minded Mil-len-nia-L might have difficulty getting their mind around?

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I forgive what you said but am now pissed that you called it a "subie" .

Don't know how I'll go on.

This may have been about my response to his post. No harm no foul and no insult was received by his op.

I have an STi and I've done The Dragon in it (sweet). It's stage 2+ but done with care and daily drivability in mind. At no time did I cross the center line and.i never thought the op was directed at me any more than when someone in a GWRRA meeting rants for 20 minutes about "them damned ninjerz" when meaning any bike other than a wing or a cruiser.

We're all good here and many smiles in this thread.

Answer: A Prius, driving the speed limit in the left lane.

Question: What pisses you off quicker than anything else?

You're all good. Everyone knows that Subaru owners are all morons of questionable moral character.
OK! We got that out of the way. Now can we move on to the Prius.
I had a Prius for 7 years. It broke me of riding my GL1800 10 miles to work. Lots of effort to put on jacket, helmet, gloves, and manage the garage door, all for 42 MPG and a short ride. Or hop in the Prius, put on seatbelt, close garage door remotely, and quickly off in air conditioned comfort for 50 MPG. And much lower operating expenses.

Current street fleet is red white and blue. Lighting doesn't do justice for the blue:


******** come in all car and motorcycle brands.

However, if I find I have to pass a train of cars...quite often a Prius driver with his head in his ass is driving that train.

Do they just have a governor on the speed of those things or are they just natural idiots? Skooter...sorry, I can't say I'm surprised that you say that you drive one of those things.

Prius, when you really need to piss off the world.

Dear N4HHE,

That red car is NOT a Prius. Just thought you should know ....

And the white car is a Subie!

Uncle Hud

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Yes,I too was offended by the use of the term "nerd" here....when you clearly should have used the word "*******"instead.

I'm a nerd, my kids are nerds, and many of my friends are nerds....(and none of them own a Subaru)

You're all good. Everyone knows that Subaru owners are all morons of questionable moral character.
OK! We got that out of the way. Now can we move on to the Prius.
Please, don't get me started on Prius owners.

What's the matter with Prius owners? I own a Prius.
Skooter, I was going to buy a beer if we ever met up, but since you drive a Prius......I think that might be too much. Maybe you can handle a Shirley Temple would be your type of libation.

Kidding. Warm milk coming right up.

Subaru's are very plentiful around here. I detest Subaru drivers.

Most I see are androgynous in appearance, late middle age, typically DOE employees or contractors at INL or psuedo-granolas--enviros from Jackson WY or Sun Valley, likely holding multiple PhD's. The live in a black and white world, as evidenced in their driving.

Is that a stop sign in the middle of nowhere without a car coming for miles? Come to a full and complete stop, hands intensely at 10 and 2. Look both ways at least 2x. Cautiously proceed through intersection.

Wonder about my speedo accuracy? Follow a Subaru. Is this a deserted highway 55mph road? Pace a Subaru, it's going exactly 55. Is it a 35 zone? Check speedo and GPS again, yep we're going exactly 35. Left turn at a busy intersection? Don't go up in there so you can get through when lights change, sit back safely, wait for red light, sit some more, ah, just 2 minutes later we get a protected green arrow.

At least I can say they are the least likely to take me out when I'm riding.

OK, rant over, I feel better finally getting this off my chest...
