Subaru's are very plentiful around here. I detest Subaru drivers.
Most I see are androgynous in appearance, late middle age, typically DOE employees or contractors at INL or psuedo-granolas--enviros from Jackson WY or Sun Valley, likely holding multiple PhD's. The live in a black and white world, as evidenced in their driving.
Is that a stop sign in the middle of nowhere without a car coming for miles? Come to a full and complete stop, hands intensely at 10 and 2. Look both ways at least 2x. Cautiously proceed through intersection.
Wonder about my speedo accuracy? Follow a Subaru. Is this a deserted highway 55mph road? Pace a Subaru, it's going exactly 55. Is it a 35 zone? Check speedo and GPS again, yep we're going exactly 35. Left turn at a busy intersection? Don't go up in there so you can get through when lights change, sit back safely, wait for red light, sit some more, ah, just 2 minutes later we get a protected green arrow.
At least I can say they are the least likely to take me out when I'm riding.
OK, rant over, I feel better finally getting this off my chest...