searchgeek - author
Thank you for the write was very helpful. I have a bunch of other questions that I'm hoping either you or others might be able to answer.
- When 3 bikes are using the units, can each bike listen to their own music and phone calls or is it one big happy family and everyone listens to everything?
No idea... anyone else have an answer to this one?
When you and your rider are hooked up and a call comes in, do they hear the conversation as well?
No, at least not by default, I don't think. Haven't tried this yet and don't expect to be taking calls while riding anyway (just my choice, not a judgment)
Can you have a private conversation with your rider without anyone else hearing?
Under what circumstances would you need a direct wire connected to the unit??
Say maybe you're MP3 player doesn't have Bluetooth... you can still use a cord to plug in your tunes.
Man, this is how we ALL started...I apologize in advance for my ignorance about such matters. I plan to get a zumo right off so keep that in mind when you answer. Thanks