Announcement: Registration For WFO6 Closing

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R.I.P. Our Motorcycling Friend
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Carpinteria, CA
Okay, all you slackers! Time to get off the pot and sign up WITH YOUR REGISTRATION PAYMENT. You have until 2400 hrs, June 15th to get signed-up and paid to enjoy all of the goodies due you at the Event. If you try to register beyond that date, you will be assigned 20 bikes to be cleaned and detailed each day of the event and be seated at your own 'special' banquet table - trust me, that is a table best avoided. ;)

As of 2130 hrs today, we have 224 registered players with 200 paid entries. That means, erm, scuze me, [SIZE=8pt]*carry the one, add the 3, divide by 1/2 an Iggy... ouch, my head hurts! Honey? how much is 224 less 200?*[/SIZE] 24 of you have not paid the registration fee. What's the hesitation? What, you don't want to ride some of the best roads in the world? You wanna pass the chance of competing for and winning some major swag? Miss out on some mondo vendor seminars? Miss the Second Annual, Warchild Manly-Man Humiliation Contest and presentation of the Event Tiara and Ermin Stole to the weener? C'mon peeps! This event is gonna ROCK and will be the best WFO yet! Get signed up, paid and reserve your rooms NOW! Times-a-tickin', we're only 64 days away to FJRockin' in Park City!

Some road shots that you'll be missing:







Those last two were pilfered from Dusty Davis' site... he's a keeler photog and FJR owner.

I'm waiting on a current room count from the hotel, but if my thinking is right, we should have about 20 rooms left for each night. I'll update this post tomorrow when I get the info.

Edit: We have 22 rooms left for Friday and Saturday, 24 for Thursday. As was the case last year, I wouldn't wait too much longer to book you room. These few will be gone soon and then you'll be in the empty refrigerator shipping carton in back of Costco. ;)

The rest of the Event staff will be along shortly to post their updates and caveats to this post.


-TWN, Event Rally Master.

PS For those of you just now crawling out from under your rock, you'll find all of the WFO6 info here.

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Proof that you've registered comes in the form of an automated e-mail that gave you a hotel registration code. Whether you used it or not....that's a good way to confirm you paid. I've also send e-mails out periodically to the people that registered on the website, but didn't do PayPal.

For those few folks that think they paid, but no hotel code can drop me a PM with your real life name, your real life PayPal account name, AND what you registered on the website as (some are all different) and I can confirm.

The reason for the cut-off is to GUARANTEE you'll get your shirt at the event. We want to keep things simple and will work harder this year on making sure shirt orders match what we actually bring ;) That said we really, really don't want to have to try and get shirts after the event.

Those folks that ordered extra shirts will end up getting some personal e-mail to direct them to an additional PayPal entry. We only charged multiples of $140 for the event...and gotta catch up on a few shirts. Warchild will hit that.

This event is already bigger than '06 and we're going to own The Marriott this year. Park City isn't going to know what hit it!

Party on Garth!

We're closing in on 240! :blink: registrants, folks and we have seven - [SIZE=36pt]7![/SIZE] - [SIZE=36pt]days left for registration![/SIZE]

My challenge for you few remaining hold-outs: [SIZE=14pt]Let's bust 250![/SIZE] Paid registrant #250 may just find some killer swag coming their way! Our Swag Meister O'vale, is rummaging through is huge box of goodies as we speak! Will it be you? Hmmmmm? ;)

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FWIW, I tried to recruit Dusty Davis after meeting him a couple weeks ago, but he can't hack it.

239 players as of today! C'mon! 11 more! You caan do eet! 4 days left to registration closing. You know you wanna be there! ;)

To follow up on the disconnect between 239 registrations and 211 paid......Warchild and I are going to be working today and tomorrow to whittle away the duplicate registrations and send a final reminder to the one or two dozen folks that signed up and didn't pay.

I'm also hoping to do a single status sheet somewhere that people can do a confirmation...ideally based on forum handles or maybe first name and city as a check.

Also, a note that the folks that ordered extra shirts will end up getting e-mails for a final payment on them. As they should recall the PayPal session only got the $140.00 (or multiple for standard registration).

We're getting closer folks! I and a couple of others are going to be down in Utah in a couple of weeks to run the Utah 1088 and will plan on bouncing over to Park City for a little pre-event visit. ;)

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Just got the 'Official' room count. 10 left for each night. Snooze and lose, peeps. ;)

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Registration has been extended to Monday, June 18th. Clicky here? for the new thread.

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