Another custom FJR paintjob in progress..

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My artist has been hard at work these last couple of weeks in Texas while I'm away on business in northern Europe. All in all, he's painting over 20 different parts of the 07ae I've got. Every part of it that is silver, basically. I'm extremely impressed with the work so far. The theme: HR Giger'esque biomechanic - demonic.
Here's the first few pieces... the farings / fender / 1 saddlebag:






That guy's art was used heavily in the Alien movies, and he's listed on the film credits as the creator of The Alien."


He also designed a Mic Stand for Jonathan Davis of Korn, did a painting of Debbie Harry in this vein, has a furniture line based on some of his work, and Ibanez made a run of I think RG550's featuring his work also.

Can you tell I admire his work?

And yes, she looks like she could use a shave :rolleyes:
ooh, you beat me to it!

sweet paint job. it's coming out very nice! are you planning on smoking the windshield or cutting it down for showng it off?

some fairing mounted gattling guns would really set off the ensemble. :evilsmiley03:

'Dem wanna be Harleys are really going to stain their shorts when they see that bike. Cool!

I can see the for sale ad in the future now. "FJR for sale. Low miles, farkles include GPS, bar risers, sheepskin seat cover and Hell Hath No Fury Like a Robot Scorn custom paint. Must see to believe. Even then, you still won't believe it. $9000 or die."

Well crap. Tried to edit out the "hot" Christmas tree pants, but all the times with was quoted, it's still there. Oh well. I guess my pants are now infamous!!


Different angles have such various views, what detail!!

Love the barrel forehead on the tank!

Can't wait to see it all put together.


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Incredible. The things people come up with amaze me. Here I think going with orange or something would be different. This is Different. Can't wait to see it all finished. I bet it will be awesome.

That art is just sick, some extreme talent there! But I worry about poeple that have visions like this in their minds

Not that it's a bad thing, they say some people dig deep for insperation...

Can't wait to see it all on the bike, just down the road so hope to do it in person. Awesome !

It's a masterpiece in the works. The only problem is it's going to belong on the wall instead of the street. You NEED a nice place in the living room for your bike now.

Way cool man, way cool.

Them Harley boys is agonna shit when they see that :eek: Oh, an stay away from Useless (as odot calls it) he might just steal that thing.

Damn I wish I had a job!!!! I'd do that.

