Well-known member
I have been suffering with CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome ) since 1994. Spend 10 years and seen dozens of docs trying to find out what the heck I could do about it. Well I finally gave up trying to find an answer and just live with it now. 4 years ago after moving to AZ from LA I noticed a lot of m/c's here and thought that looks like fun, very dangerous sport in LA anymore with the huge amount of crazy drivers (had a few bikes in my teens and 20's) So I bought a kawi vulcan 800 and wow it was just what I needed. Ride'n a bike keeps ya in the moment and I never think about any problems when ride'n. Best therapy I have tried! Bought a concours and made a bag for my dog to ride (take him to visit my pop in an alztimers place in vegas) It is pretty cool how many people duke and I have made smile! So now I sold the connie and got and FJR and I'm have'n a blast ride'n it (duke is too!) If any of ya disabled don't know ya can get a free life time pass to national parks (i been to the grand canyon twice so far)