Any pics of airflow mods on 06 available?

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2006
Reaction score
Dallas, NC
Since I started the last thread on heat, I thought I would start another and hope to keep it constructive and factual.

I am wondering if anyone has an 06 and can post some pics of the changes Yamaha has made concerning airflow/heat transfer. Thought it might help those of us with earlier models do some productive changes. I promise to visually share anything that I do and I will buy dinner for the 06 owner making the pics. Besides, it might be fun to do to the Japanese what they have done to us for years, photograph and steal!

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From the Yamaha website:

Side Panels can be tweaked to change airflow



Vents beside the headlights and under windshield for more air in


Vents under guages allows more air in


Thanks for sticking my newbie nose in the right spot. Had no idea that Yamaha had that much detail available. Did not see all that last time I looked at the 06 info.

Now I'm starting to wonder if the heat shield might fit an 05?

And exactly which fairing position is warm and which is cool?

Just looking for inspiration and things that are reasonably simple to reproduce on the 05.

Looks like they moved the coolant res on the left side by the looks of it too. I wonder how many panels you have to take apart to get to that?

I might add: Until '06 owners get some miles under their belts, no one can predict the benefits of the aero changes or retroness of '06 parts onto earlier models.

Snidely Yours,

Mr. 3,376


come come twowheel ,, wouldn't that be retroish ?? or esque ,, but ness???

Tick Tisk ,, I expect sooooo much more from you !!!

yes friends ,, I'm BAAAACK !!!

The air cut-off solenoid valve mounting bracket has obviously been changed. This bracket bolted to the top of the T-bar on earlier models. All that has changed on the '06. The new heat shield appears to be below the T-bar. The only openings in the heat shield are those required for fuel and electrical connections to the fuel tank/pump.

Moving the coolant reservoir to the left side is inconsequential to me. I've never needed to add coolant. So, access has never been an issue.

One of the aero photos caught my attention. It shows a rectangular opening above the radiator that allows unheated air to flow over the top of the engine and below the heat shield. If it's raining and the air is moist will water passing through this opening over the top of the engine with its spark plug wires, sensors, wiring, etc. cause any problems?

One of the aero photos caught my attention.  It shows a rectangular opening above the radiator that allows unheated air to flow over the top of the engine and below the heat shield.  If it's raining and the air is moist will water passing through this opening over the top of the engine with its spark plug wires, sensors, wiring, etc. cause any problems?
Water/moisture should not be an issue. All electrical, even high-voltage, should be water tight or water resistant. I think the larger concern might be foreign objects (bumble bees, dragon flies, slow rodent parts etc.) becoming impossibly lodged in the heat shield area. I could not tell if there is a screen over this opening or not.

Perhaps one of the aftermarket radiator shield manufacturers will extend their shield to also cover that opening.

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