Anybody help me identify this ???

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So Mike. Whaddja hit to do that? You would have to have bottomed out pretty hard to get that shock arm out of the way!
was running in front of Jeff Q at about 45mph on an unfamiliar road through a spillway near Hattiesburg, MS. All of a sudden, there was a (dry) concrete depression (ditch) running across the road...caught the far end of the lip full bore...I'm amazed the bike didn't spit me off or break in two.


OK, informal poll...if you were poor and economically challenged me, would you replace these...all the parts including brackets and hardware running approx $200

if nothing else if gonna fall off or break from lack of support, I guess I can live with it like it is

they broke like a year and approx 25k miles ago
Interesting thread...I was just under big black last night staring at those very same attachments marveling at the little nut locking details...some engineerijng time and effort was spent on these little babies.

The loads seen by the exhaust system (mechanical as in holding it up, thermal as in watching it grow and shrink, and inertial as in bouncing it around on bumps, etc.) are reacted into the frame at these attach points. Lose any of them and the loads (which don't change BTW...hit that same bump at speed and the exhaust still sees the same load) are now taken up by the remaining attach points. They will see larger loads and in directions they were not necessarily designed to handle. Keep it up long enough and you'll start to see other things fail before their time. Cost could easily exceed your current pain threshold. My recommendation has two paths. Leave it alone and dial your riding down (avoid those Knievel-like opportunities) or pay to get it fixed and keep running around with your hair on fire.

Either way ought to work.

Cheers, P3 man. :hi:


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..................... or pay to get it fixed and keep running around with your hair on fire.
Cheers, P3 man.

Did you miss this comment?

at my age and in my twilight years...I've found myself being slow and deliberate...
I guess at Mike's age depth perception and hazard avoidance are also issues. :blink:

