Anybody with ideas

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Feb 14, 2008
Reaction score
Texas USA
Hey guys, picking up the FJR (07) tomorrow. Can't wait-since selling the C14 in December I've been bikeless. I have a couple questions that ya'll may be able to help me out with. I'm kind of a freak, by that I mean I have large hands (XL) and feet (size 12). I sat on the FJR the other day and found the shifter a little difficult (short) for my size 12 boot. One of the other members mentioned in a PM that the gear shifter and the rear brake pedal are adjustable. I'll talk to the dealer about that.

I'm 6'0" and weigh 195lbs. I'm wondering if anyone has purchased a CalSci windscreen for the FJR who is about my height? If so, what size did you get and is it the right one? I bought a +6 for my C14 from Mark and it was perfect. Wanted to buy the FJR back in July but got a smokin' deal on the C14 but couldn't take the heat when the fan kicked on. I live in Colorado and look forward to meeting some of you guys up in Golden this summer. Thanks in advance, Dirk.

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If you look on the CalSci website they list the recommended rider height for screen size for the 06-08 models. I'm not sure how accurate those recomendations are but it's a good place to start. There are many members here who either have or have tried the CalSci's so you'll probably get some good feedback.

Good luck

Windshield has been discussed many, Many, MANY times before. Try searching on calsci, windshield, taller and/or other things so it looks like calsci at Google.

If you're a freak with XL and 12...I must be a mutant freak with XXL and 14's. And I have my brake and clutch in their stock positions. However, the clutch has obvious adjusters and the brake can be moved one tooth in less than 5 minutes if one needed to.

We'll look forward to you registering for NAFO.

For the controls, check Bike Effects. Great service, big supporter of the forum and all around great guy, Jeff, will take care of you.

Be sure to check the vendor area of this forum to find out about his discount for forum members.

I'm 6'0" and weigh 195lbs. I'm wondering if anyone has purchased a CalSci windscreen for the FJR who is about my height? If so, what size did you get and is it the right one? I bought a +6 for my C14 from Mark and it was perfect.
Hey, Dirk, congrats on a great choice!

Regarding the CalSci windshield, I ordered one the day I got back from my first (2040 mile) FJR trip. It makes a tremendous difference in noise and buffeting.

Thing about the size, is, it all depends on where your butt is in relation to your head and feet. I'm 6'0 with a 30-inch inseam, so I sit about as tall as the average 6'3" guy. At +4.5", the CalSci I ordered seemed as though it might be too tall, but it's perfect. All the way up, I can still see over the top of it. Couldn't be happier.


Just one data point, from

John in Fayetteville, GA

You know, on the subject of windshields... Ive discovered that when you ride this bike in the position your body is meant to be in... the stock windshield is more than adaquate for me, at 6'2. Its only when you are sitting upright or back that you would need additional height, but then, that's not what it was designed for eh?

And I have a size 14 shoe as well. There must be a lot of us super-freaks around.
