Anyone ever tried these?

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It would cost approx. $150 to get everything, but I think it would be better than a Chatterbox and cheaper too! Plus, your setup for 2! With a 5 mile range, clip it on your belt and go. It's also VOX. Give me your opinions, good or bad on both!
That throat mic is much more substantial than all the others I've seen I'm curious if it would work at speed or fail miserably like all the rest... My biggest issue is the ear piece being being part of the neck band and just using a single hollow tobe to transport sound to the ear...

It would cost approx. $150 to get everything, but I think it would be better than a Chatterbox and cheaper too! Plus, your setup for 2! With a 5 mile range, clip it on your belt and go. It's also VOX. Give me your opinions, good or bad on both!
That throat mic is much more substantial than all the others I've seen I'm curious if it would work at speed or fail miserably like all the rest... My biggest issue is the ear piece being being part of the neck band and just using a single hollow tobe to transport sound to the ear...
They make one that has speakers for the helmet (specifically for motorcycles/motorsports) also that plug into the throat mic, "Tork Max". I still believe that the PTT is better than VOX, especially with the finger button. Some guys on R6 forum where talking about this setup and loved it! Said it worked great! I have a Guinea pig willing to give it a try, so we'll see! lol If the mic really works that good, any radio will do then. The Chatterbox is really the same thing anyways, just allows you to plug more junk into it is all. It's crap in my book!

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I'm interested in knowing how this works out. The spec's on the Motorola T5500 say that there is a Audio Accessory Connector (Single Pin). I wonder if that means we can plug something into there, like the output from a radar detector, or is that just wishful thinking on my part?

I'm interested in knowing how this works out. The spec's on the Motorola T5500 say that there is a Audio Accessory Connector (Single Pin). I wonder if that means we can plug something into there, like the output from a radar detector, or is that just wishful thinking on my part?
It's for a Headset and Mic. But I believe you could get an adapter to stack the plugs and plug in the radar detector. I know that some of the throat mics come that way. I"ll find out shortly. I just bought the T6500 to see how far the range actually is. Says ideally 10 mi. but we all know that ain't going to happen! Owner at radio shack said if I wasn't happy with them, I could bring em back. He rides too and is interested in this endevour. He said a mile is good and on a really good day maybe 1 1/2-2 if I'm really If I get a mile, I'll be happy. That's all I really need to keep in touch with my riding buds. If they're that far back, they need to pick it up! :p

Thanks. I also notice the T7400 is only about 20 bucks more for a pair with rechargeable batteries They have twice the output power so I would expect greater range. Anyway, one mile should be plenty. I'll be watching this space.

Thanks. I also notice the T7400 is only about 20 bucks more for a pair with rechargeable batteries They have twice the output power so I would expect greater range. Anyway, one mile should be plenty. I'll be watching this space.
I looked at the T7400, but they take 4 AA batts and are 8 1/2" long. The T6500 only uses 3 AA, but come with a rechargable Nicad also and are the size of your palm, not counting the ant. 6 1/2" overall. I'm thinking a velcro arm band or something. Well, I am off to try the range on these babies! Still need to decide on a mic! Think I'm going to go with the Tork Max from Clearcom. I can use a single silicone earbud plugged into the radio and still have one ear uneffected. We'll see how this goes I guess!

Well, I got my "Tork Max" throat mic along with my Motorola T6500 radios. The upside is that the mic works really well! Downside is the PTT button doesn't! The plug is too short and doesn't make connection in the radio and can't hear. I plugged the mic directly into the radio and keyed the radio itself along with using Koss Spark Plugs (earbuds). Distance is good for 1/2 mile in town around power poles. Audio is excellent from what I'm told. No ambient noise (wind/motor/traffic) whatsoever and you don't have to yell! Just talk normal. Was told to stop yelling! lol Just need to get the PTT worked out now! I have a call into them along with a pic showing the short coming. They're researching it!

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Well, I got my "Tork Max" throat mic along with my Motorola T6500 radios. The upside is that the mic works really well! Downside is the PTT button doesn't! The plug is too short and doesn't make connection in the radio and can't hear. I plugged the mic directly into the radio and keyed the radio itself along with using Koss Spark Plugs (earbuds). Distance is good for 1/2 mile in town around power poles. Audio is excellent from what I'm told. No ambient noise (wind/motor/traffic) whatsoever and you don't have to yell! Just talk normal. Was told to stop yelling! lol Just need to get the PTT worked out now! I have a call into them along with a pic showing the short coming. They're researching it!
Talked to Clearercom and they never had that problem before. Didn't know how to rectify the problem. All their PTT & Mic plugs were like mine, but no one ever reported having a problem before. BUT, I HAVE solved the dilemma. Got out my trusty ole dremel and ground away some of the radio case to allow full engagement of the PTT plug now. Doesn't affect the mic at all. Works great and can't even notice! I highly recommend this as an alternative to a Chatterbox! I've got $150 total in it. 2 radios, 1 Tork Max throat Mic, and the SO is going to use her Handsfree headset from her cell phone (which just happens to fit, lol). I'll get her a mic later. I just love it though because there is NO NOISE other than your voice! No motor! No wind! No nothing but your voice, and it's very clear! Even with 2 mics and the radio, it's still cheaper and much clearer than the Chatterbox! Still GMRS or FRS also, so you can still talk to people who are using the chatterbox. They won't be for long after they hear how clear you are though! lol Maybe though they'll make a mic to fit the Chatterbox. That would make it a ton better!

Well, I got my "Tork Max" throat mic along with my Motorola T6500 radios. The upside is that the mic works really well! Downside is the PTT button doesn't! The plug is too short and doesn't make connection in the radio and can't hear. I plugged the mic directly into the radio and keyed the radio itself along with using Koss Spark Plugs (earbuds). Distance is good for 1/2 mile in town around power poles. Audio is excellent from what I'm told. No ambient noise (wind/motor/traffic) whatsoever and you don't have to yell! Just talk normal. Was told to stop yelling! lol Just need to get the PTT worked out now! I have a call into them along with a pic showing the short coming. They're researching it!
Talked to Clearercom and they never had that problem before. Didn't know how to rectify the problem. All their PTT & Mic plugs were like mine, but no one ever reported having a problem before. BUT, I HAVE solved the dilemma. Got out my trusty ole dremel and ground away some of the radio case to allow full engagement of the PTT plug now. Doesn't affect the mic at all. Works great and can't even notice! I highly recommend this as an alternative to a Chatterbox! I've got $150 total in it. 2 radios, 1 Tork Max throat Mic, and the SO is going to use her Handsfree headset from her cell phone (which just happens to fit, lol). I'll get her a mic later. I just love it though because there is NO NOISE other than your voice! No motor! No wind! No nothing but your voice, and it's very clear! Even with 2 mics and the radio, it's still cheaper and much clearer than the Chatterbox! Still GMRS or FRS also, so you can still talk to people who are using the chatterbox. They won't be for long after they hear how clear you are though! lol Maybe though they'll make a mic to fit the Chatterbox. That would make it a ton better!
Got a chance to try out the radio and mic setup today. Works excellent! Even the VOX works good. Typical VOX though. Just have to be patient with it as with any. I believe PTT is the way to go though. My friend had his Chatterbox FRS X2 and I had my Walkie Talkie w/throat mic. The Koss Spark Plugs worked good, but I'm going to install the speakers in the helmet and try those too. The plugs bug me after a while. It's good for 3/4 - 1 mile. Thats all I need! I'm happy.
