Anyone recognize these bar risers?

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They are the spitting image of the Gen MArR risers I purchased and installed 2 years ago! I can't guarantee it though! Memory isn't what it used to be ...

They look a lot like the Doug Hines risers he produced in 2006, and subsequently recalled. I still have my set, as well as the letter I received from his attorney stating that I was using them at my own risk.

He then got out of the riser business.

I had a set on my 06, and under stress they would move. It was a very interesting feeling to say the least.

The design essentially "presses" flat powdercoated surfaces together - and the levered stress (hand grip to connection) results in eventual slide. The powdercoat will abrade off due to the movement, resulting in increased clearances and loose fittings.

Es no bueno.

What I don't see in the fleabay post is the other side of the riser block - are there holes for the location pins to fit into? You'd want that, at the very least.

Oh well, it also doesn't say anything about coming back 1/2" like the others. Guess I'll just get Larry's.

How about these? I have a chance to buy these at a good price but the owner is not sure what kind they are.

Thanks kaitsdad, so Gen Mar or Larry's?

Edit- Actually, they don't have the pins so what the heck are they?

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Thanks kaitsdad, so Gen Mar or Larry's?
Edit- Actually, they don't have the pins so what the heck are they?
If they were Larry's his name would be on them. While the designs were often ripped off duplicated from somebody else Larry was always sure to put his name on all the parts he made.

Thanks kaitsdad, so Gen Mar or Larry's?
Edit- Actually, they don't have the pins so what the heck are they?
If they were Larry's his name would be on them. While the designs were often ripped off duplicated from somebody else Larry was always sure to put his name on all the parts he made.

There might be pin holes - but the hardware is blocking the view. Can the seller get you a pic of the blocks without the bolts in them?

I don't know if these are the same as what I bought off of Ebay, but mine have pins on the underside and holes for the bars on the top side, Mine work good and I have never had them come loose. I think they are risers only.

They do have pins and holes, I guess the only thing else they can be is Gen Mar? Or have there been others?

I don't know which kind they are for sure either but I bought a pair about 2 months ago and they brought the bars back nicely and up enough to really improve the comfort of the bike for 49 bucks I feel like I got a good deal.
