Anyone tried risers from D & D

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Well-known member
May 4, 2008
Reaction score
Ellisville, MS
New To Me 03' FJR. So let the farkling begin. By the way, what amount is a "farkle buck". In the boating world a "boater buck" was equal to $100.00.

So, to the farkling end I was googling risers and ran across these. They offer two models and let you try them out (both models) and then return one or both of them for a refund.

I would like feedback on them if you have used them or your thought if you have not. Just click on the clicky


New To Me 03' FJR. So let the farkling begin. By the way, what amount is a "farkle buck". In the boating world a "boater buck" was equal to $100.00.
So, to the farkling end I was googling risers and ran across these. They offer two models and let you try them out (both models) and then return one or both of them for a refund.

I would like feedback on them if you have used them or your thought if you have not. Just click on the clicky

Well, I guess I don't know how to clicky yet. Let's try it the old fashioned way.


Nope, to the contrary, these are fine pieces of work. Problem is that they just didn't work for me. I needed the splayed-out type - at the time, only offered by another vendor. They've been sitting on my shelves waiting for a good home...

I have a pair of the 3/4" up and 1" back risers. very clean look and work well for me.
Ditto. I've had the D&D's since I got my '05...much more comfortable ride for me. YMMV.
Ditto for me too - I put the D&D's on my '03 when it was new and am a very satisfied customer.


I think the term "farkle buck" refers to the reaction my wife gives when I tell her I'm going to get something for the bike and she says no...

I have themboth I like them and have stacked them using both with no issues. they are nice...

Not using them now though...

I have a pair of 3/4" up if you are interested. $40 with shipping. No bolts or covers.
$40.00 ?? for 50 cents worth of aluminum and 10 minutes of machine time? Yer a crook bastage!

To where do I send the ransom sire?

I await your pm.


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I have a pair of 3/4" up if you are interested. $40 with shipping. No bolts or covers.
$40.00 ?? for 50 cents worth of aluminum and 10 minutes of machine time? Yer a crook bastage!

To where do I send the ransom sire?

I await your pm.

For you, I'll make a deal. $50 plus shipping. ;)

PM sent.

Nope, to the contrary, these are fine pieces of work. Problem is that they just didn't work for me. I needed the splayed-out type - at the time, only offered by another vendor. They've been sitting on my shelves waiting for a good home...
Right. D&D only introduced their "splayed-out 10 degree" type a while after their "original". I use them myself. :good:

... By the way, what amount is a "farkle buck". In the boating world a "boater buck" was equal to $100.00.
Damn! You must be talking about a rowboat. I thought it was common knowledge that one "boat buck" equals $1,000.00! ;)

Nope, to the contrary, these are fine pieces of work. Problem is that they just didn't work for me. I needed the splayed-out type - at the time, only offered by another vendor. They've been sitting on my shelves waiting for a good home...
Right. D&D only introduced their "splayed-out 10 degree" type a while after their "original". I use them myself. :good:

... By the way, what amount is a "farkle buck". In the boating world a "boater buck" was equal to $100.00.
Damn! You must be talking about a rowboat. I thought it was common knowledge that one "boat buck" equals $1,000.00! ;)
You are right, I left a 0 out. I had just spent $1700 on my boat and when we were sea trialing it something else tore up that was gonna cost me another $2200. I had the part ordered and then . . . KATRINA! While the storm was raging I thought of my boat, thought I was gonna have a tear, but then didn't. Oh well, saved 2.2 boater bucks.

