Archaeopteryx sailplane

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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I see 'Zilla is starting to stutter.

This plane allows some (rich) people to fly without needing an airport so they can fly in all the cool places not supported by such. I'm sure that this plane will cause confusion in flight qualifications required, with some places seeing this as a glider and others as a fixed wing sail plane.

Having options in how to launch the plane frees up the areas they can fly in. Looking at the 'face launch' and the running launch it looks like the wing has a take off speed of around 12 mph. A student hang glider is normally >18 mph and a performance hang glider in the 10 - 12 mph range. Taking off with a 40 lb hang glider has no comparison to taking off with a 100 lb plane strapped to your butt. It would be interesting to see how they select nose weight. With some small familiarity with hang gliding, when I look at the foot launch and foot landing all I see is pain. Broken legs, broken pelvis and a good opportunity for internal injuries should things not go well.

Interestingly, the flying all takes place in mountainous areas where 'face lift' off the mountains and thermal lift in the valleys is good. You don't need much altitude to get into a lift zone a la hawk and then you can gain altitude from there. I'm thinking that this plane wouldn't do so good in Florida or Kansas. Flat places like this would really be better with a tow plane and a drop-off at 2k feet which now is the same as using a Standard Class glider . From there it would be a glide ratio flight to the ground unless you can find thermals. I would guess that the glide ratio of this plane is in the 28:1 area. A basic hang glider runs glide ratios around 12:1 and performance wings get much better from there. A Standard 15m glider will have a glide ratio of at least 30:1, typically around 38:1 and can go over 44:1.

If you like to go to wild places to fly and money doesn't matter this is your ride. If you expect to foot launch/land be sure your insurance is paid and emergency crews can actually get to you. DAMHIK.

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From what I've read, our flat places in the south offer excellent thermals in the summer. I've been looking into getting my hang glider certification and there's several companies in Texas that'll do this down here and tout that you don't need mountains here to get thermals but you do need some type of a tow to launch and find them.

being in an aircraft is to flying what being in a boat is to wanna experience the medium? Ya gotta get out into other words...FLYING = Sky diving. That is all .

Otto Lilienthal meets Fred Flintstone. Looks like fun but I'd rather save the extra 50k and get one of these ( which I fully intend to do in two years):

On the other hand, if you want to get airborne right from your back yard without taking out a mortgage you always go with one of these:

My brother spent 6 months touring S America on a brand new Beemer a couple years ago and stopped for several weeks (in some country with a lot of sand dunes right next to the ocean) to learn how to para-glide. He enjoyed it so much he ended up buying a complete outfit and I think it came in less than $5000.
Any chiropractors on the forum? I smell business... L3 - L5? Whatta ya think? Big wing, small breeze, "I twisted wrong while lifting" would be an understatment !!

I say we try an FJR, 300' of hardware store nylon rope, a bit of straight road, and a hang glider :)

(gonna need to go 2up on the feej i think....)
