Arkansas Sobriety Check

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@Old Pilot - What time of the day, day of the week, was this event? Just looking for perspective. I don't see this type of stop here in the West.
We have the drunk stops in California during the holiday times and then at random times during the year. I support them and don't mind them checking to see if I or any other drivers are drunk. They do not search my car all they ask is for your license, registration and proof of insurance. They also talk with you a little to see if you are hammered.

I would call that a public a service.

They also stop us here to see what country we are from. Just in case you get stopped the correct answer is U S A.

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Nice to know that the Gestapo can be pleasant some times when demanding you stop while traveling within the borders of your country of origin.
Not to be a jerk, but can you keep your nasty comments to yourself? I happen to be an LEO, not one of the Hilter youth, Getapo, or any other type of KGB agent. To the point, DUI stops are legal, if done properly.


You didnt say where you were at when you got stopped, around the Mena area I've gone through two stops like that, and with pretty much the same results you had. I stopped, they took a quick close look at me and sent me on. I was glad to see u'm there!

I'd bet money if you rolled into that checkpoint looking like this, You would be walking the line!


Unfortunately, I know SEVERAL cruiser friends who ride to the bars (American Legion and VFW), Get sauced and cruise... <_<

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DUI stops are legal, if done properly.
I can think of a few things that are legal, and wrong.

We are not going to settle this here. The masses want to feel safe. The people in power want to placate the masses. We live with the consequences.

The challenge is convincing a majority to see things my way. (which is of course the right way to see things)

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Nice to know that the Gestapo can be pleasant some times when demanding you stop while traveling within the borders of your country of origin.
Not to be a jerk, but can you keep your nasty comments to yourself? I happen to be an LEO, not one of the Hilter youth, Getapo, or any other type of KGB agent. To the point, DUI stops are legal, if done properly.

Thank you for your service, help keep us safe by keeping drunks off the road and druggies, rider was killed last week in Jackson Hole , hit head on by a druggie, keep up the good work.
As long as they stop everyone...Not like NY where they have been stopping motorcycles only recently. Then they lose my support.

I commute on my bike band forth to work. Count the number of people fiddling with a cell phone. The need to step up no cell phone while driving enforcement. I did more than my share of stupid driving. I made it through that without killing anyone, and now I'll probably get whacked by someone texting while driving.

I think it is great that the police are performing traffic stops trying to catch drunk drivers.

I wish the police could get serious and make the DUI check points a mandatory weekly activity for

every LEO thats drawing a paycheck. I live in North Lousiana and have only seen one DUI check point.

The local town on Monroe LA supposedly receives 20 - 30 dui violators every Friday and Saturday night.

It's incredibly simple to disable a vehicle based upon driver/rider impairment. If we, as society, were serious about this issue it would be done. Not all that expensive either.
too tired to drive?

too inattentive to drive?

too stupid to drive?

I wonder how many MADD mothers are driving and yacking away on their cell phone.

Drinking and driving is wrong. It's inexcusable. But, do we really think it's o.k. to make everyone prove they are not drunk/impaired/inattentive/stupid?
Actually so is talking on the cell phone........and we don't want to stop doing this either!!

I commute on my bike band forth to work. Count the number of people fiddling with a cell phone. The need to step up no cell phone while driving enforcement. I did more than my share of stupid driving. I made it through that without killing anyone, and now I'll probably get whacked by someone texting while driving.
Why narrow it down to cell phones (although their use while driving is a huge problem. Why not address ANYTHING that takes your attention away from the task at hand? Eating, shaving, tending to kids, reading the paper etc

Why narrow it down to cell phones (although their use while driving is a huge problem. Why not address ANYTHING that takes your attention away from the task at hand? Eating, shaving, tending to kids, reading the paper etc
I agree 100%. Rather than passing new laws to deal specifically with cell phones, we should be asking our LEOs to be more vigilant about careless driving regardless of what the distraction is. And stop accepting the 'I never saw him' excuse used by careless drivers who are not paying attention.

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