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Its the type and density of the nylon mesh you have to watch for. There is a thread posted someplace that tells you what to watch for

Well they dont seem to have that info :glare: but it looks to be the same jacket?


but it looks to be the same jacket?

Yes it does. Odd that it does not have the logo on the chest. So you have three possibliites:

One. It is the same jacket, but for some reason they photoshoped out the TM logo>

Two: It is the same jacket, but a "knock off" import , still made by the factory that makes the TM one

for more money.

Three: It is not the jacket you will get if you order it, or it is a cheap copy. I have seen places use

photos from other sites, deleting compay names , to advertise something that looks simular to

it , but NOT the same. Buyer Beware here.

My guess would be number 2 , but I have never ordered from that company...

(you might want to look at mesh jackets from Fieldsheer and Firstgear also..)


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I am not to sure of that site. I clikced on the about us and contact us links nothung really there. No Phone, no email, No address. Just be safe...

Anyone buy - know about this? Looks exactly like the TM jacket except half price!

ARMOR Racing?


A few red-flags went off when I hit the Armor Racing link.

I would be cautious of the company purely because of their website.

-- there is no contact information

-- there is no phone number listed (let alone a toll-free number)

-- there is no physical address

-- they only take paypal

-- they only carry off-brand products

-- googling jackets4bikes returned few hits, appears to be a cash e-bay merchant.

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I with cywolv on the suspicious web site info. I have the Tour Master GX, got it back in October from and have used it all winter in Virginia. Can't wait for the weather to get above 75 deg to take out the wind/rain liner and see if it is as cool as it is warm with both liners in.

I would think twice about saving $40 on a dubious web site sale, Hey, ask yourself this; is the skin on my back, arms, ass, worth the extra $40?? My answer in HELL YA!

And to answer the question why did I get a new jacket and what was the old one? Well, I lost 135 lbs. and my First Gear Kilimanjaro II (cool/cold weather jacket) and Joe Rocket Atomic III (warm/hot weather jacket) now fits me like a tent. I went from a XXL-XXXL too a L-XL, that's why I needed a new jacket!

Here is Tonker info below, plus you can get it in different colors!

[SIZE=14pt]Tour Master Cortech GX Sport Jacket[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Overview: In stock[/SIZE]$149.99 $134.99 On Sale!



I forgot to add my disclaimer:

I am not affiliated nor am I endorsing or Tour Master Crotch, Inc. Nor am I endorsing/degrading First Gear and Joe Rocket products; Kilimanjaro and Atomic III Jackets, they are fine products! The Tour Master Cortech GX Sport jacket can be purchased from any fine retailer either via the world wide web or at your local motorcycle apparel store! The Kilimanjaro and Atomic III jackets can also be purchased from any fine retailer either via the world wide web or at your local motorcycle apparel store, I just was looking for a All-In-One jacket and Tour Master Cortech had it.

There - I have disclaimed!
