At What Milage Did You Replace Your Brakes?

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Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
I'm getting my FJR ready for WFO-4, so I pulled out and measured the brake pads. I was surprised to see, compared to the new pads I've got stashed in my tool box, that the're only worn about half way down to the wear indicators. Its only got 21,000 mi but with the bike's weight and the weight of my throttle hand, I expected worse. Also, suprised to see how easy it is to get the pads out for examination...they did it right.

I replaced my fronts at 45,000 miles. They weren't completely worn out, infact, the outside pads had close to half the pad left. But, the inside pads on both sides were getting plenty close. Now the rear, I replaced at about 28,000 miles. I'm hard on the rear brakes due to a lot of gravel roads and the fact that I like to play a bit. Pike's Peak with a passenger is a lot of fun to come down sideways :) Now my wife might disagree with that sediment :eek:

Grady A. Dunham

Mileage is not a good indicator of when pads should be replaced because riding style and the type of roads you most frequently use make a big difference in how fast you wear them down. Check them often and make sure you look at both the inside and outside pads because they don't always wear evenly.

Mileage is not a good indicator of when pads should be replaced because riding style and the type of roads you most frequently use make a big difference in how fast you wear them down.

Thanks for the advice guys, I'll take it to heart. As for you Grady, all I can say is...HOLY CRAP! You play in the gravel on your FJR? :shock: You're a better man than me. A speed bump is my idea of dual sport. :rolleyes:


Mileage is not a good indicator of when pads should be replaced because riding style and the type of roads you most frequently use make a big difference in how fast you wear them down. Check them often and make sure you look at both the inside and outside pads because they don't always wear evenly.
I've already changed my front pads twice and currently have about 25,000 KM's on my bike (so that's about 15,000 Miles).

I commute daily in traffic so the brakes get a lot of use. I primarily use font brake only which is why I haven't had to touch the rears yet.

I check the pads frequently and change them about every 8,000 miles. Your mileage will definately vary which is why you need to check them frequently. It's easy and ony takes about 10 minutes to pull the pads, clean them up a bit, and put them back.
