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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2008
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Santa Fe , NM
This is the recount of the adventures of a very good friend of mine in Santa Barbara. Just spoke with him, he's fine. Some minor road rash but probably won't have to have a butt-ectomy. A 75 MPH get-off usually doesn't end this well. Annoying as he usually is, we're all much happier that he's still here to tell the tale. Also, he's "young like us" (or most of us) so he's got 30+ years riding experience under his belt. He's an excellent rider, this just goes to show you what can jump up and bite you.


Hey Buds,

Ok, a little too much fun yesterday.

Here is the story.


Temp was about 68, sky broken/overcast, visibility good, dry. I was riding on Hwy 101 North near the El Sueno road exit, in the #1 lane.

Traffic was moderate to heavy, fast lane speed was about 75 mph. I had a car about 4 lengths in front of me, and I was near the inner fog line, to allow seeing out in front of the car ahead of me. The road way is straight in this section.

From what a witness says, and what the CHP officers said, we think that a car in the middle lane(next to me or somewhat ahead) hit a large piece of truck tire carcass ( about 60 lbs.), the chunk seems to have been thrown into my path or even into my front wheel ( I am unclear about this, it was really fast, I do recall a flash of something coming at me, I think from the right side) The chunk of tire probably hit my front tire, and we ( my rider buddies and I ) think that I may have had a fast wobble before going down on the left side.

It was really fast, next thing I know, I hear a big bang and am sliding along the road, on my back and stable, feet forward, no rotation. I had a good riding jacket on (armour on the elbows and

shoulders) a full coverage helmet, Levis and hiking shoes. So I was well protected above the waist and less so below.

The slide was a long one, I was trying to look over my shoulder back at traffic, but did not get much of a look, and the back of my head was hammering the pavement pretty hard ( in the helmet) Gretchen (the GS) was out in front of me sliding straight down the middle of the lane on her left side, and she ended up about 150 feet beyond where I stopped.

My slide ended right next to the crash wall ( from 75 it is a really really long slide when you don't hit anything), I just turned my back to the wall and sat there for a few seconds trying to collect my thoughts( wooo shit what the fcuk just happened, do my toes and hands work? Anything bleeding or broken) Amazingly a CHP patrol car was about 6 cars behind me, he had stopped traffic, so I did not have cars going by my toes at 75, nice I must say. The cop pulls the tire chunk out of traffic then walks up to me ( maybe 200 feet) to see how bad off I am ( Three days before in the exact same spot there had been a motorcycle fatal accident) He was pretty amazed that I seemed to be OK. He ask if I could walk, I thought I probably could, so he stopped all traffic, and let me saunter across the freeway to the shoulder, he then went and got poor old Gretchen, who was bleating like a stuck pig ( not sure how to get the horn to go off like a theft alarm, but she was beeping away, laying on her side).

So now I am on the side of the highway, bike is too and one amazed cop is checking my eyes and mumbling about really good luck. All the emergency services show up, 5 cop cars, the fire trucks, and an ambulance. Everybody wants to see if I am OK, and for some reason I seemed to be able to pass their operational tests, go figure. Finally the emergency responders head back to there lunches and doughnuts, and the AAA truck shows up to give the old and wounded girl a ride back to 767. My roomate has shown up by now too, (Thanks bud, a bunch) so we drive back to the house, unload the bike and I have a look at the damage.

My damage:

Not much, a nice 2 inch raspberry on the butt cause I am an idiot and was wearing levis instead of riding pants.

Gretchens wounds:

Left side valve cover worn thru, left front turn signal is trash, both mirrors are done, both levers on the bars are slightly bent, some scuffs on the nose/fairing, and a slight tweak to the back sub frame, and a nice dent in the tank.

My butt/wound was a little dirty as you might guess so a friend gave me a ride to the emergency for a clean up, where the staff were all shaking their heads in amazement that my damage was not much greater.

The nurses said I was the "miracle guy". Interestingly one of the EMT's at the hospital was old friend, who kept coming in shacking his head and reiterating that I am one lucky guy.

Yea, I am really really lucky. This could have gone much worse, like I could have been killed pretty easily. Thanks to the person behind me for being alert and getting slowed down and guarding me as I did the big slide, and I think it was just dumb luck that I was not thrown from the bike too. To just get dropped on the road, on my back made a huge difference, and that there was not anything to hit during the slide allowed me to slow down leisurely, again really lucky.

As I sit here writing this I have a total of one butt raspberry, a little cut on the elbow, and a split finger nail. No stiff joints, no bruises.

Like I said, really, really lucky.

Glad your friend is OK. It just shows you can never be too prepared. Sounds like he might not even have gotten the butt raspberry if he had on proper biking pants. I must admit that I am guilty of the same sin. I wear a full face helmet, gloves, boots, and armored coat, but often cheat on the pants. They just seem to take too long to put on and seem too hot most of the time. It doesn't hurt to be reminded to wear all of the gear all of the time. Thanks.

I have to add a congrats for walking away from that. highway crashes always scare the shit out of me because it only takes one cellphone,smoking, shavin, eating, drinkin (you gt the point) dubass to run your otherwise well protected ass over.

ATGATT! Yes I just had a nice lowside getoffdoing doing about 40 mph. As I slid down the road in my Joe Rocket Supermoto pants, jacket, boots and gloves, I thought to myself, you know kevin, this has got to be the most comfortable getoff you have ever had! Yeah the bike got its scrapes, slid about 50 ft into a ditch, and the leathers were scuffed and should be replaced (about 4 grand in total between the bike and gear) but I dont have so much as a single scratch or bruse on my body! :rolleyes: :exhappysmiley: So next time anyone wants to make a wise crack about me wearing full leathers I will be pleased to say "i could have spent a couple weeks picking scabs but I didnt" :exhappysmiley: :exhappysmiley:

Very lucky one. Jusy not his turn. I bet he is still shaking.

We had a rear puncture about 3 years ago. Showing 90 on the clock, in the fast lane, with the mirrors full of cars and trucks. I hit the hazard lights and fish-tailed across the lanes to the shoulder. I had the wife on the back and was soooo thankful for those hazard lights, they must have worked because we cut across everyone without any trouble. The tyre was completely flat when we stopped, I was shaking like a leaf, if we had gone down I doubt that either of us would have survived. Still makes me shiver when I think of it today.

We had a rear puncture about 3 years ago. Showing 90 on the clock, in the fast lane, with the mirrors full of cars and trucks. I hit the hazard lights and fish-tailed across the lanes to the shoulder. Still makes me shiver when I think of it today.

Glad he was OK. Chalk up another save for ATGATT. Andy and I had a similar experience to Graham and Sue, in another lifetime. We were both about 17 years old, and I was on the back of his CB200. The bike started to fish tail. I thought that he was trying to wake me up, so I whacked him one and went back to sleep. Next time I opened my eyes, I was sliding along the freeway with the bike. Andy was rolling along by himself. I was still in a sitting position, amidst showers of sparks from the crash bars. I walked away from a 70mph flat tire, completely unscathed. He had a raspberry on his hip, and a scrape on his hand, where the glove was pulled off. The worst part of the whole experience, for him was the potential of having to ride to work on the back of MY bike the next day.


Agreed Checks... the one-piece 'stich forces me to wear it all... and I know I'm too lazy to pull on all the gear for just a short ride. B)

ATGATT. I second that emotion! My wife went down on her FZ1 at 65 mph on I5 in Washington. The bike slid 300', she rolled somewhat less than that. No raspberries, but she did break her shoulder from landing on her elbow when she hit the pavement. I was in front and heard a screeching noise, looked in the mirror and it was her bike sliding towards me. One of the worst moments of my life. Same thing, the cops were amazed she walked away.

Must have slid predominantley with all of his weight on his jacket, don't know how, but thats a damn good thing. Very lucky, because jeans do not hold up well at all against concrete, especially at those speeds!

Bet $100 he buys pants after this incident!

I tell you all, **** the jeans wear the leather. people think you are darth vador or a freak of some sort but who fucking cares. WHEN YOU WALK AWAY WITH LITTLE OR NO DAMAGE TO SELF THAT SAYS IT ALL!!!

if you dont believe me watch some MotoGP those guys are lowsiding as speeds we dont do and they get up and run to their bike like it was nothing. In many cases even a highside can be walked away from. I know when you crash like scab did and take out some 4x4's your coing to be in some trouble but set that asside and think about all of the other accedents you COULD walk away from.


In our garage is a trash bag filled with damaged leather gear. The helmet hangs over the bench, as a reminder to be safe, every time we go out.

Andy was dressed head to toe in good quality gear for his commute to work. It wasn't a pretty, Power Ranger suit but a jacket of this make, pants of that make, gloves and boots of two other makes. He donned the gear out of habit.

Nasty scene with inattentive driver. Motorcyclist and SUV impact at 65mph. Evel Knievel flew over the median onto the other side of the freeway. Substantial orthopedic damage from the car impact and then the ground impact but SKIN WAS 100% INTACT. Multiple surgeries were done over the next week, to create bionic joints. Those surgeries would have all been delayed if the skin was ripped off. He would have been wearing external fixators for months, before the final work could have been done. Talk about risk for infection. Instead, he was back at work in about three months.

Any questions about ATGATT? Make it a habit. Before you've even thought about whether to put it on, you're already wearing it.


I know when you crash like scab did and take out some 4x4's your coing to be in some trouble but set that asside and think about all of the other accedents you COULD walk away from.-k
And I still have gravel in my arm. No gear that day. What a genius move that was.

Stories like this make me think of those "assless chaps" we see all the time. They'd help, all right.
My wife is quite fond of my assless chaps. Makes me ride while wearing 'em all the time. ;)
