Attention "waiters"

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I don't know if the dealer is yanking my chain here or what

Probably not yanking your chain, but he should know the month. I was told by my dealer that the delivery month listings went out to all Yamaha dealerships about ten days ago. Turn up the heat on your dealer... :diablo:

Called my dealer and he said April for sure. Heck I did not order until about the 15th of DECEMBER. Go figure!

I'm an instant gratification person. I like to paint, wax or wash cars, mow lawns, do leaves etc. because when you do things like that it immediately looks real good and I find that satisfying, almost instantly!

But this waiting thing is so oposite from my prefered instant zone it's killing me. I even tried to order an 06 shop manual just to read about it some and can't get that either. No test reports in the mags yet.


Thanks, I feel a little better now.

I like to paint, wax or wash cars, mow lawns, do leaves etc.
Hey man, you're welcome at my house anytime - I can find lots of these things for you to do here! :haha:

My dealer just advised my 'A' is scheduled for April delivery(seriously). Ordered Nov 11. Won't have any valve guides as engine will be delivered later.Supplier problem I guess.  :p
Why don't you just put a :axeman: Valkyrie 6 cyl. in it and have no problems with the engine, ever! (and you would then have a Yamakyrie! Now if that doesn't sound Japanese I don't know what does! :D <he looks Japanese! :haha:

CK :super1:

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:clap: I ordered mine back in October..not sure when the dealer ordered it but, he just told me today that mine is due in April. Maybe he meant by April (wishful thinking). He said Yamaha is usually pretty accurate and he wouldn't be surprised if he gets it by the end of March. :clap:
