Audicator turn signal reminder

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Fred W

1 Wheel Drive
FJR Supporter
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
Eastern VT
I don't really want to start a rehash of whether people need a turn signal canceler or reminder. I know it has been covered in detail in the past.

I personally miss turning off a signal now and then, and I know that I personally do not want to give any cagers any false information that might increase their chances of running me down. So I think a reminder would be a good thing for me.

This one is a fancy turn signal beeper thingee. It seems to have some nice features, like variable delay, incremental volume and adjustable volume. Also, the idea that the timer doesn't start until you release the brake is pretty cool. But they are pretty pricey at $80 so I was wondering if anyone has used one of these, or maybe another manufacturer's that has similar features

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Thank you for phrasing it in the form of the question about this specfic after-market option. It's great that there are aftermarket options and it woulnd't be foisted on FJR riders as a standard option. I'll try leaving the thread in Parts and Accessories for now hoping folks will self-limit on the accessory.

I haven't had one on my FJR, but I have heard and seen one on a friend's moped. I noted to myself that it wasn't as loud as I expected (even at full volume) and would be harder to hear at more traditional FJR speeds....especially with earplugs.

The chicks are kinda cute though. I'd install one if they came with the beeper. :rolleyes:

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Have you thought of just saying out loud, "Beep" every time you see the indicator flash?
Clearly you did not even read what the thing does. It does not begin to beep until after you've already forgotten to cance the turn signal. I do not anything that beeps every time the turn signal flashes either.

Thank you for phrasing it in the form of the question about this specfic after-market option. It's great that there are aftermarket options and it woulnd't be foisted on FJR riders as a standard option. I'll try leaving the thread in Parts and Accessories for now hoping folks will self-limit on the accessory.
I haven't had one on my FJR, but I have heard and seen one on a friend's moped. I noted to myself that it wasn't as loud as I expected (even at full volume) and would be harder to hear at more traditional FJR speeds....especially with earplugs.

The chicks are kinda cute though. I'd install one if they came with the beeper. :rolleyes:
Yeah, the install team would be nice. :yahoo:

Do you know if the moped guy had turned down the volume. Apparently it can be increased or decreased to suit the application. But obviously a bigger bike like a Feejer would call for more volume. Also, I always ride with earplugs, so a healthy volume would be important.

I almost always ride with my helmet headset plugged in to my Motocomm box too. I wonder how hard it would be to get something like this piped into the intercom so the beeping was just in my head... :rolleyes:

It seems to be similar to the DATATOOL TURN ALERT which runs about 1/2 the price if I remember correctly but I don't think has an adjustable volume. I brought one to EOM as a door prize so whoever won it might want to chime in with a report.

On my 600R i had drilled a small hole in each side of the upper fairing plastic and mounted a green led (obviously tied into the signals),....they were up much closer to eye level but were not as bright as i'd have wished. They worked well when it wasan't desperately bright out. Anyhoo you get the idea .



A little more pricey but more automatic is the signalMinder from Kisantech. This gizmo not only automatically turns off your turn signal (also queued from the brake lights, i.e. timer is disabled while at a stop light with the brake on), but also gives you the option of converting your turn signals into running lights, etc. IMHO a much better value for money...


signalMinderBE SURE! Do you forget to turn off the signals once in a while? It may be embarrassing when you realize it, but also quite unsafe in the traffic.

signalMinder stops the flashing automatically. In most cases, you simply replace the flasher on your motorcycle.

signalMinder is a solid-state turn signal flasher with a built-in programmable time-out feature. Selectable time-outs range from 10 seconds to 30 seconds. At the end of the selected time-out, the flashing stops.

Built-in options such as Running Light Conversion, allows you to convert all the turn signals to running lights. More importantly, it also converts a single handlebar switch equipped bikes into a dual channel system. And that gives you 4-Way emergency or Escort mode flash. And if you hook-up the brake input, you can get the brake flash feature with built-in override when stopped in traffic.

signalMinder Notes

■ Automatic turn signal cancellation

■ Running light option built-in

■ Brake flash and override option built-in

This new version has all of the


No need to buy another controller!
Have you thought of just saying out loud, "Beep" every time you see the indicator flash?
Clearly you did not even read what the thing does. It does not begin to beep until after you've already forgotten to cance the turn signal. I do not anything that beeps every time the turn signal flashes either.
Clearly you did not even get that it was an attempt at humor, albeit, apparently not a good attempt.

I guess I just have never seen the need for such devices as I have always been one to monitor the road, the dash, etc while riding/driving.

I wonder how hard it would be to get something like this piped into the intercom so the beeping was just in my head... :rolleyes:
Here again, refer to my first post. It does solve most of the problems you are trying to address. You don't have to actually say "Beep" until after you release the brake if you don't want to. With my suggestion, it is very modifiable to fit your needs.

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Have you thought of just saying out loud, "Beep" every time you see the indicator flash?
Clearly you did not even read what the thing does. It does not begin to beep until after you've already forgotten to cance the turn signal. I do not anything that beeps every time the turn signal flashes either.
Clearly you did not even get that it was an attempt at humor, albeit, apparently not a good attempt.

I guess I just have never seen the need for such devices as I have always been one to monitor the road, the dash, etc while riding/driving.

I wonder how hard it would be to get something like this piped into the intercom so the beeping was just in my head... :rolleyes:
Here again, refer to my first post. It does solve most of the problems you are trying to address. You don't have to actually say "Beep" until after you release the brake if you don't want to. With my suggestion, it is very modifiable.
Clearly, I knew that was where you were going with your humor (yes, I did get it).

I was trying (inadequately) to get back on topic.

Afterall, if I could remember to say beep after I let go of the brake, but only when the turn signal was active, well I'd probably be able to remember to turn them off. Don'cha think?

A little more pricey but more automatic is the signalMinder from Kisantech. This gizmo not only automatically turns off your turn signal (also queued from the brake lights, i.e. timer is disabled while at a stop light with the brake on), but also gives you the option of converting your turn signals into running lights, etc. IMHO a much better value for money...signalMinder
The running light thing is nice.

But I'm not really considering a signal canceller right now.

I wouldn't want the canceller to inadvertently, automatically cancel my signal at the wrong time, which could be equally as bad as not cancelling the signals.

Fred W, I think this is a great idea because I myself have a tendency to forget to turn the signal switch back off every once in a while. You are absolutely correct when you say you don't want to give the cagers any chance to get you because of the turn signal indicating you're making a turn when you're not. I would install one of these on my bike in a heartbeat except for the fact I'm a little gun shy right now. After just having my bike in the shop for two months because of an electrical problem, they had to replace the entire wiring harness. I'm afraid if I even think of cutting or splicing into the harness to install anything, if something were to happen again, Yamaha might think I'm responsible not only for this time but for the last time as well (even though I wasn't).

It is a great idea and sounds like it will definately do the job, I believe if I were to add this little unit I'm going to wait until after my warranty is no longer. And that's for another four years and five months. I wish Yamaha would have just bit the bullet and added self canceling on the FJR, I know many others including myself would have paid extra for something like that. I wonder if someone has or will come up with a Plug N Play signal cancel add-on to remedy situations like I'm concerned about voiding any warranty. I've checked out a few that really don't do the job and you still have to splice into the factory wiring. But the little beeper unit you speak of sounds good until there is something better.

My old 1974 CB750 had a beeper that went on with the turn signals but it had a little button that would silence the beeper as long as you held it down. I liked it then and I'd be happy to have that feature now.

For the electrically talented, why not make your own...

I think before I made my own like the above though, I'd just attach a little beeper to a turn signal light for each side.

For the electrically challenged, how hard would it be to pipe the sound into a bikes intercom instead of using an external beeper? Just clip the wires to the buzzer and wire in the appropriate connector?

My old 1974 CB750 had a beeper that went on with the turn signals but it had a little button that would silence the beeper as long as you held it down. I liked it then and I'd be happy to have that feature now.
For the electrically talented, why not make your own...

I think before I made my own like the above though, I'd just attach a little beeper to a turn signal light for each side.

Yeah, I had the Rat Shack beeper mod on my 1975 Suzuki GT550 back in the day. It worked, but it was annoying that it was always on whenever the turn signals were on, so sitting at lights you'd be beeping away. I also didn't wear earplugs back then (heck, who did?) so the volume would have to be higher now 'a days, only partly due to the plugs (the other part is the partial hearing loss from not wearing plugs).

To summarize: A home brew deal would have to have some sort of a delay circuit and would probably best be piped into my helmet headset.

For the electrically challenged, how hard would it be to pipe the sound into a bikes intercom instead of using an external beeper? Just clip the wires to the buzzer and wire in the appropriate connector?
Probably not that simple. The voltage to the buzzer is probably just 12V DC for the duration of the beep. The buzzer converts the DC to the AC buzz. So it would likely not be that simple.
