Audio Accessory Volume Control?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Active member
Oct 2, 2005
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I'm looking for a volume control to put between my IPod (so I can keep it in the tank bag) or satellite radio and my Autocom Pro-7. I've seen some that mount on the bars, but now that I want one, I can't find it. Can one of you point me in the right direction?

Sorry if this has already been covered. I did search, but no luck.

Thanks for the help.

One item from Radio Shack -- P/N 42-2559


<$8.00; available everywhere.

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Or you can try one the RF remotes for the iPod. I have the iJet and it mostly works.

Thanks, everyone!

I've been traveling (for work, not riding) and couldn't get back onto the forum until today. I don't post very often, but really enjoy this forum. I really appreciate your willingness to share advice and experience.
