Privileged to ride a 2018 FJR1300AS
Ok, didn't appreciate how the relay was wired, I stand corrected on the resistance. JustJust noticed the above. It is incorrect;I would also add that the lamp will give a better ground than a relay, its cold resistance is much lower than a relay coil's.
The brake input to the CCS-100 is wired to the relay contacts and NOT to the coil - the normally open contacts of the installed relay provides a hard connection for the brake input to ground - that's why you install a relay in the first place.
The relay coil is wired across the brake light power, the N.O. contacts go to the brake input on the CCS and ground respectively.
A pair of cold 21watt bulbs in parallel are going to have a resistance of the order 3 ohms when hot, nearer 1 ohm when cold. I just nipped into the garage and measured one as 0.6 ohms as near as my meter can read, so possibly 0.3 with two in parallel.
So I don't think a relay does anything particularly useful with a conventional set-up, unless you are having other issues with the bike's wiring
Anyway, CFO seems happy now.