Audiovox Cruise Control

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FJR nose gunner
Mar 24, 2008
Reaction score
La Crosse, WI
My audiovox worked fine when I first installed it, but now, it doesn't. When I turn it on, the green light comes on, but then it goes out again. I'm not 100% if it goes out on it's own, or simply goes out after I hit SET.

I don't use the cruise very often, but I did notice some time ago that occasionally I would set the cruise, and a while later it would drop out, and when I glanced at it, the light was out, but now it won't ever stay 'on' at all.

Any ideas? At this point, the only reason I haven't pulled it off the bike is that it's more work than just forgetting I have it.

I am really looking forward to the answers to this one. Mine is acting the same way. I set the #7 switch to off and then rode the bike and thought it was fixed. But another ride the other day and mine started dropping out again.

I am riding an 07.


Mine was doing the same thing after a soaking rain. Everything was back to normal after everything had time to dry out.

I should probably seal everything up again, but I'll forget as soon as I hit "Add Reply"

Water in the switch unit, or corrosion at the splices where power, tach, etc. are tapped. I originally used crimp taps, even the "weatherproof" kind, and had to go back through and reconnect with solder and heat-shrink tubing. No trouble since soldering everything up.

Like the others said, it's probably moisture in the control pad. Might be best to replace it with one of these weatherproof models. B)


That's interesting, been having a little bit of trouble with the acellerate, resume button. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Everything else works fine.

Sounds like you need a new control pad and / or check all power and ground connections. If the light is going out, your loosing power. That has nothing to do with the #7 switch.

I've had mine on for several seasons now, and it was the first one I ever installed.

Since that one, I've done quite a few, but seldom with the same total electrical configuration as the first.

The problem as described above by the OP is one that appeared for me as well this season, without explanation. Due to the complexity and hassle of isolating the one offending power interruption--which is intermittent and therefore extremely difficult to isolate--I simply merged the brown and red wires back near the housing where all the wires begin.

This effectively makes the unit "always on", and is widely used in applications that don't need/want the back-lighting feature on the touch pad. It also makes the necessary electrical run to the front only a three wire affair, with the additional search for a power supply at the front becoming irrelevant.

Sure, you lose the ability to toggle the unit off and on, but this is not a problem in previous experience on other installs. And with this "hybrid" approach, the backlighting remains, which is nice.

YMMV, and if I had to start over with installing the Audiovox on the FJR, I'd do the much abbreviated method this time.


take the keypad in your hand, snap it open, and soak it with wd40 then contact cleaner

test, then seal up with oxygen safe RTV around the outside of the case and around the rubber membrane buttons per past threads on this

should be good to go

my 1.5 cents

let's ride safe and be careful out there,

Mike in Nawlins'
